Wednesday, January 29, 2014

~Snow Day Conversations~

After coming in from playing outside in the snow, I suggested that Eamon wear some dry gloves in the house until his hands warmed up.  Little did I know that I should have also explained snow-day/winter-wear/bathroom protocol...

Me:  "Eamon, did you flush?"

Eamon:  "Yeah."

Me:  "Did you wash your hands?"

Eamon:  <confused>  "Why?  I'm wearing gloves."

Me:  "What?!  You wore the gloves while going to the bathroom?!  You're supposed to take them off and then... Ew.  Just, ew."

Eamon:  <unconcerned>  "Ok, I will next time."  

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

~Problem Conversations~

Ok, so this isn't so much a conversation as it is me getting a kick out of the way Eamon interpreted his math homework.  But trust me, it's hilarious!  

The directions say, "Write a real-world problem involving multiple steps.  Then solve your problem."  For example, "Allie bought 3 notebooks and 2 boxes of pens and paid with $40.  How much change did she receive if the pens are $7 each and the notebooks are $3 each?"  (Just as a side note, Allie's really getting ripped off on the boxes of pens and who would give a third grader $40 to buy office supplies?!)  Anyway, Eamon's multiple step real-world problem was this:

"I bought 3 caucalators.  They are $10.  [and this is where he gets a little sidetracked] I also got R2-D2 because I wanted to see if R2-D2's caucalator was better, R2-D2 is $200 I paid with $300.  How much money do I get?  $70."

I believe THIS is the droid that Eamon is looking for but why he thinks it has a calculator 
or where he's planning to get $300, I have no idea. ;)  

~Manly Bun Conversations~

No, not those kinds of buns!  Hair buns.  Manly hair buns...

To really get this conversation, you need to understand the backstory so here it is:  Eamon loved wearing his hair long last year and desperately wants to grow it out again.  Why, you ask?  One word:  Thor.  And, really, doesn't that say it all?  

However, I, mean mom that I am, thwart him at every turn.  It's not even that I dislike the look of long hair on men and boys, although I do.  No, I thwart his hair growth because he can't stop himself from touching his hair.  Constantly.  Brushing it out of his face with first one hand.  And then the other.  And then both hands at once.  While he's supposed to be swimming, but is in fact sinking to the bottom of the lake/pool with nary a bubble, he's still brushing his perfect, golden, Thor-like locks out of his face.  And now that he's a yellow-tip belt in Tae Kwon Do and supposed to begin sparring soon, I imagine that he will also be brushing his bangs out of his eyes while he should be blocking punches.  

"Why don't you just tie it or clip it back?" you ask.  I tried.  Repeatedly!  However, my mini-Thor is much too manly for clips or barrettes and conveniently lost my elastic head band in Lake Murray in under 20 seconds.  So with all of that in mind, when I saw a link proclaiming that 2014 is the year of the Man Bun and included some of the accompanying photos, I had to share with Thor, Jr., in the hopes that he would not be a fan of the manly bun...  

Me:  "Eamon, if you're going to insist on growing your hair out again, you're going to have to wear it in a bun to keep it out of your face."

Eamon:  <studying the photos carefully and nodding seriously>  "Ok, but I'm gonna' need a beard."

Augh!!!  Curses!!!  Foiled again!!!!  

The full article and photos can be found here.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

~Random Student Conversations~

And now for something completely different - a non-Eamon post! 

Randon Student at School Today:  "Um, can I ask you something?"

Me:  "Sure.  What's up?"

Randon Student:  "So... do you read?"

Me:  <wondering if this is a trick question since I AM a librarian afterall>  "Um, yeah...?"

RS:  "Like, a lot?"

Me:  "Yeah...?"

RS:  "Did you start when you were little?"

Me:  <wondering where in the heck this is going>  "Uh-huh...?"

RS:  "Oh.  Well, I just read this really good book."

Me:  <loving it when a student has a good reading experience>  "Cool!  What book?"

RS:  "The Deed of Paksenarrion.  Have you read it?"

Me:  "No, I haven't.  But it was really good, huh?  Do you think we should get it for the library?"

RS:  "Yeah.  My mom recommended it to me.  I'd never read such a... such a..."

Me:  <knowing where this is going now>  "Such an 'old' book?"

RS:  "Yeah!  And it was so good!"

Me:  <slightly sarcastically>  "Yep, 'old' books can be good too!  What, was it, like, from the '80s's or something?"

RS:  "Yeah, how'd you know?!"

Me:  <laughing now>  "Oh, geez!  Sweetie, I'm older than the '80's!  Thanks a lot!"

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

~Invented Conversations~

While driving in the car...

Eamon:  "I wonder what my school mascot will be when I'm in 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grades."

Me:  "Well, it depends on the school.  6th, 7th, & 8th grades will be one mascot for your middle school and then 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th will be another mascot for your high school."

Eamon:  "What grade is college?  13th?"

Me:  "No, freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior and those terms can be used for high school too."

Eamon:  "I can't wait to go to college!"

Me:  "And grad school!"

Eamon:  "That's weird that some people go to college for four years and some go for four days."

Me:  "Um, if they only went for four days, then they didn't finish."

Eamon:  "Oh.  I think I'll make my first invention in college.  Something easy at first.  What's an easy invention?"

Me:  "If it's easy, then it's probably already been invented."

Eamon:  "Ooh!  I know!  Live forever pills!"

Me:  "That's going to be your easy first invention?!"

Eamon:  "Yeah, they're small.  I'll just put everything that's good for you in one pill and I'll make thousands, millions, billions, trillions.  I read about people who eat fish and vegetables to be healthy but I don't like those."

~Chilly Conversations~

While picking Eamon up from afterschool care...

Me:  "Wow, you're wearing your jacket!  I thought you never got cold enough for that!"

Eamon:  "Mister Ken told me to put it on."

Me:  "So when Mister Ken tells you to wear your jacket, it's ok with you but when I tell you, it's not?"

Eamon:  "Well, it's just not cold enough when you tell me."

Me:  "I see.  And all the other times you have your jacket on?"

Eamon:  "I'm not actually cold then.  I just like the way it looks."

Me:  "Uh-huh.  And I suppose having your coat and hood done up over your face doesn't mean you're cold, just that you like the look?"

Eamon:  "Yep."

It's tough to be a slave to fashion... ;)