Tuesday, January 14, 2014

~Manly Bun Conversations~

No, not those kinds of buns!  Hair buns.  Manly hair buns...

To really get this conversation, you need to understand the backstory so here it is:  Eamon loved wearing his hair long last year and desperately wants to grow it out again.  Why, you ask?  One word:  Thor.  And, really, doesn't that say it all?  

However, I, mean mom that I am, thwart him at every turn.  It's not even that I dislike the look of long hair on men and boys, although I do.  No, I thwart his hair growth because he can't stop himself from touching his hair.  Constantly.  Brushing it out of his face with first one hand.  And then the other.  And then both hands at once.  While he's supposed to be swimming, but is in fact sinking to the bottom of the lake/pool with nary a bubble, he's still brushing his perfect, golden, Thor-like locks out of his face.  And now that he's a yellow-tip belt in Tae Kwon Do and supposed to begin sparring soon, I imagine that he will also be brushing his bangs out of his eyes while he should be blocking punches.  

"Why don't you just tie it or clip it back?" you ask.  I tried.  Repeatedly!  However, my mini-Thor is much too manly for clips or barrettes and conveniently lost my elastic head band in Lake Murray in under 20 seconds.  So with all of that in mind, when I saw a link proclaiming that 2014 is the year of the Man Bun and included some of the accompanying photos, I had to share with Thor, Jr., in the hopes that he would not be a fan of the manly bun...  

Me:  "Eamon, if you're going to insist on growing your hair out again, you're going to have to wear it in a bun to keep it out of your face."

Eamon:  <studying the photos carefully and nodding seriously>  "Ok, but I'm gonna' need a beard."

Augh!!!  Curses!!!  Foiled again!!!!  

The full article and photos can be found here.

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