Tuesday, January 7, 2014

~Invented Conversations~

While driving in the car...

Eamon:  "I wonder what my school mascot will be when I'm in 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grades."

Me:  "Well, it depends on the school.  6th, 7th, & 8th grades will be one mascot for your middle school and then 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th will be another mascot for your high school."

Eamon:  "What grade is college?  13th?"

Me:  "No, freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior and those terms can be used for high school too."

Eamon:  "I can't wait to go to college!"

Me:  "And grad school!"

Eamon:  "That's weird that some people go to college for four years and some go for four days."

Me:  "Um, if they only went for four days, then they didn't finish."

Eamon:  "Oh.  I think I'll make my first invention in college.  Something easy at first.  What's an easy invention?"

Me:  "If it's easy, then it's probably already been invented."

Eamon:  "Ooh!  I know!  Live forever pills!"

Me:  "That's going to be your easy first invention?!"

Eamon:  "Yeah, they're small.  I'll just put everything that's good for you in one pill and I'll make thousands, millions, billions, trillions.  I read about people who eat fish and vegetables to be healthy but I don't like those."

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