Tuesday, January 14, 2014

~Problem Conversations~

Ok, so this isn't so much a conversation as it is me getting a kick out of the way Eamon interpreted his math homework.  But trust me, it's hilarious!  

The directions say, "Write a real-world problem involving multiple steps.  Then solve your problem."  For example, "Allie bought 3 notebooks and 2 boxes of pens and paid with $40.  How much change did she receive if the pens are $7 each and the notebooks are $3 each?"  (Just as a side note, Allie's really getting ripped off on the boxes of pens and who would give a third grader $40 to buy office supplies?!)  Anyway, Eamon's multiple step real-world problem was this:

"I bought 3 caucalators.  They are $10.  [and this is where he gets a little sidetracked] I also got R2-D2 because I wanted to see if R2-D2's caucalator was better, R2-D2 is $200 I paid with $300.  How much money do I get?  $70."

I believe THIS is the droid that Eamon is looking for but why he thinks it has a calculator 
or where he's planning to get $300, I have no idea. ;)  

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