Saturday, January 31, 2015

~Soup-er Conversations~

On the way to a friend's house for my highly-anticipated knitting lesson...

Eamon:  *sigh*  "I wish I'd brought a snack."

Me:  "What?!  You couldn't have thought about that before we left the house, which was 2 minutes ago?"

Eamon:  "No.  I wasn't hungry then."

Me:  "Well, of course not because you JUST HAD BREAKFAST!"

Eamon:  "I know but now I'm hungry."

After doing his best hungry-waif impression, thus scoring drinks and popcorn from Emily and Randy while I knitted, we finally made our way to a restaurant for lunch.  Apparently I did not exit the car quickly enough...

Eamon:  <whispering from the backseat>  "Food.  Fooooooood.  Food, food, foooood..."

Me:  "I'm going!  Give me a second to get out of the car."

While eating yummy won ton soup and drinking tasty Thai Iced Tea at Thailand on St. Andrews...

Eamon:  "This soup is so good!  And this tea is tasty.  I LOVE this soup!"  

Me:  "I'm glad you like it so much."  

Eamon:  "When I'm old enough to drive, I'm going to come here a lot of times."

Me:  "Sounds good to me."

As we were walking out with our leftovers...

Eamon:  "That soup was SO good!  I'm glad I have leftovers so I can have more of that really good soup.  I CAN'T WAIT until dinner!"

Me:  "You're already thinking about your next meal?!

Eamon:  Yep."

Mom's little walking appetite...  Would you be surprised if I told you that as we drove home, he was reading a cake-decorating manual? ;) 


Saturday, January 24, 2015

~Plumbed Conversations~

The following is less of a conversation and more of a cautionary tale... 

Proud Mom Moment #236:  My son just invented yogic plumbing.  

While assisting Mark with installing a new flapper mechanism in the toilet tank, Eamon went into standing tree pose - on the rim of the open toilet seat - while holding plumbing accountrements inside the tank.  Although his yogic skills were good, his plumbing was not, prompting some instructional swear words from dad.  Try to contain your jealousy 'cuz these two are all mine. ;)  

Saturday, January 10, 2015

~Masterful Conversations~

After this afternoon's ice skating adventure...

Eamon:  <gravely> "Well, I've mastered ice skating."

Me:  "Oh, really!?  You skated for an hour and now you're a master?"

Eamon:  "Well, yeah.  It's kind of like roller skating but that took me several days to master."

Me:  "Ok, look.  There are people who skate every day for years and some of those people could be considered masters and professionals but I don't think you skating for an hour [or less if you count the times we rested after the epic falls and tears] qualifies you as an ice skating master."

Eamon:  "But I skated on one foot."

Me:  *sigh*

How can you argue with "The Master?" ;)

Monday, January 5, 2015

~Be-GUY-ling Conversations~

While driving home from school and discussing the eagerly-anticipated upcoming Guys' Night...

Me:  "Oh, hey, actually I might not be going to my book club meeting tonight so can I join your Guys' Night?"

Eamon:  "Well, you'll have to ask Daddy and Rowan."

Me:  "What?!  Why...?"

Eamon:  "Well, Rowan had to get permission from Daddy to be a member of Guys' Night so I guess you do too."

Me:  <scoffing>  "Well, here's a little secret:  Daddy gets his permission from me so I say I'm in."

Eamon:  "I don't think so.  You have to pass the test like Rowan did.  Maybe you can ask her how she passed."

Me:  "Hmm, what characteristics do you, Rowan, and your Dad all have in common that would make you eligible for Guys' Night?  Not bathing regularly, inability to do laundry, and having to be told how to do everything...  Yeah, you're right - I'll totally fail the Guys' Night test!"

Whatever!  Girls are better anyway! ;) 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

~Conversations With Meema~

While on our mini-break in Myrtle Beach after swimming in the hotel's indoor pools, which were teeming with screaming children btw...

Me:  "Sooo... you're not going to shower after your swim?"

Meema/Mom:  "Nah."

Me:  <innocently> "Oh, ok.  You don't mind not washing off all the pool chemicals - and kid pee?"

Meema/Mom:  <thinking for a minute>  "No, I'm good."

Me:  "Ok, cool.  Hey, Eamon?  Come sit over here with me tonight."

Ok, the pool didn't actually look like this - there were way more kids!  Ha!  Just kidding, our pool was not green at all - but there were a ton of kids.  And I actually really admire my mom's sense of fearlessness and joie de vivre but I do have to bust her chops now and then! ;)  

~Excel-lent Conversations~

The night before leaving for a mini-vacation...

Me:  "So Eamon, which of your stuffed animals are you going to bring on the trip?"

Eamon:  *sigh*  "I really need to make a chart." 

Meema:  "A chart? What for?"

Eamon:  "You know, so I can write down my stuff animals' names and then where I take each one of them on vacation?"

Me:  "So they each get equal travel time, right?"

Eamon:  "Yeah."

Meema:  <laughing>  "Well, I think there's room for you to take more than one on this trip."

Me:  "Do you want me to show you later how to make an Excel spreadsheet so you can keep track of your animals' travels in the future?"

Eamon:  <seriously>  "Yeah, that would be good."

Decisions, decisions... ;)