Sunday, December 29, 2013

~Relative Conversations~

In our house, the excitement over Mema and Aunt Erica's arrival is rivaled only by that of Santa on Christmas morning.  Last night was such a night so this morning Eamon couldn't wait to go see his so-called present...

Eamon:  "So can I wake up Aunt Erica now?"

Me:  "No, it's too early.  Let her sleep."

After asking that question every 10 minutes for over an hour...

Eamon:  "Can I wake up Aunt Erica NOW?"

Me:  "Well, it is after 9am.  Ok, I guess that will be fine.  But wake her gentl... <suddenly noticing Eamon stalking toward Aunt Erica's room with a 3 foot light saber> WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Eamon:  <innocently>  "I'm just going to wake her up."

Me:  "I said to wake her gently!  Put the light saber down."

Eamon:  <sigh>  "Okay."

~Sharp Conversations~

While driving past Eamon's elementary school today...

Me:  <concerned> "Why does your school's bill board say 'Sharpen your saw during the break'?"

Eamon:  "It just means to stay smart."

Me:  "Really?  Like in what way?  Is it a play on the word "saw" as in the things you see and take in is what needs to stay sharp or..."

Eamon:  "It's your brain."

Me:  "Your saw is your brain?"

Eamon:  "Um, I don't really know.  It's confusing."

Me:  "Yeah, I'll say."

After doing a little Googling, I found out that to "sharpen the saw" is Habit #7 of Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, which the school district is all but having tattooed on everyone's foreheads. But what was funny to me is that another mom and I were just talking about this educational lingo that the teachers use on the kids and how they absorb it in a way that has nothing to do with the actual meaning of the word.  For example, the teachers keep telling the kids to be "proactive" in their behavior and now my friend's son thinks the word means to be quiet.  So now Eamon thinks that "saw" is another word for brain.  Awesome.  :P  

Thursday, December 26, 2013

~Humorous Conversations~

While lounging around the house this morning...

Me:  <giggling at a book I was reading>

Eamon:  "What?  What are you laughing at?"

Me:  "Just this book.  The author's really funny."

Eamon:  "Oh.  Humor?"

Me:  <surprised by his odd comment> "Um, yes, it's very humorous..."

Eamon:  <nodding to himself seriously>  "Thought so."

And in case you're interested in checking out the book that gave me 
a serious case of the humor, here it is!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

~Manger Conversations~

While taking a brief break from building the awesome Lego Rancor Pit from his G-daddy while listening to an old John Denver Christmas Special record...

Me:  <laughing>  I love that you're dancing to "Away in the Manger!"

Eamon:  <indignantly> "What?!  I was not dancing!"

Me:  "Yes, you were!  What else would you call what you were doing?"

Eamon:  "Strutting."

Me:  "Oh, really?"

Eamon:  "Yes.  And I wasn't strutting to that.  I didn't even hear that."

Me:  "Uh-huh..."

Christmas 2013 so far...  

pretty good way to spend the hoidays I'd say! ;) 

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

~Holiday Conversations~

And now for something completely different for the holiday season, some non-Eamon conversations! ;) 

While doing errands witht the family Sunday afternoon...

Mark:  "Wait, where are you going?  We're supposed to be going to World Market, Target, and back home."

Me:  <hesitantly>  "Well, there are a few things I need at Wal-mar..."

Mark:  "No!  We're not going to Wal-mart on a Sunday afternoon."

Me:  "But we're so close!  And there a few things we need that I can only get from there."

Mark:  "Babe, I love you but not enough to go to Wal-mart on a Sunday afternoon."

Me:  "When do you love me enough to go to Wal-mart?"

Mark:  "Our love is more of a 3 a.m. quick trip to Wal-mart in the middle of the night kind of love."

Me:  *sigh*  "Fine.  We'll just go to Target then."

And a husband-wife conversation overheard at World Market that same day...

As the cashier is handing a yard o' chocolate package to the wife and a case of small champagne and assorted alcohol bottles to the husband...

Wife:  <giggling>  "I've got the chocolate!  I've definitely got the better end of this deal!"

Husband:  <stoically>  "You can keep the chocolate.  I have all the alcohol."  

Wife:  <still giggling>  "Well, I have the car keys!"

Husband:  <dead pan voice>  "Fine, leave me.  I'm just going to start drinking." 

That conversation really amused me because I think I've had that same conversation with Mark at some point! ;) 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

~Kindled Conversations~

While driving home from Tae Kwon Do...

Eamon:  "Mommy, can I read on your Kindle?"

Remembering that in addition to the kid books - and other various titles - on the Kindle, that I'd checked out some romance e-books from the library....

Me:  "Um, sure.  But just go to your books because there are a few non-kid books on there."

Eamon:  <disgustedly>  "I know.  And they're horrible."

Me:  "They're not horrible.  They just involve some kissing."

Eamon:  "I know!  That's what makes them horrible. <with even more disgust if possible>  I can tell from the picture on the covers."

Wow, if only I could keep him in that mindset... ;) 

Monday, December 9, 2013

~Pocketed Conversations~

While driving home from my school's VERY frosty holiday parade in which Eamon got to ride on a firetruck...

Me:  "Were you warm enough?  Because I was FREEZING!"

Eamon:  "Yeah, I was pretty warm, except my hands got cold."

Me:  "Oh, no.  They were cold even though you put them in your pockets?  Because you didn't have to wave the whole time you were on the firetruck.  You could have put them in your pockets."

Eamon:  <solemnly>  "I don't have pockets."

Me:  "What?!  That's a brand new jacket.  I'm sure it has pockets!"

Eamon:  "Nope, no pockets."

Me:  "Hmm..."

Five minutes later after parking the car and reaching into the backseat for the jacket which of course my frosty-handed son was not wearing...

Me:  "There are TOO pockets in this jacket!  Two of them in fact..."

Eamon:  "Oh.  Those.  Those aren't pockets.  That's just wear I store my mittens."

Me:  <gasping>  "There are mittens in here too?!  You had pockets AND mittens and your hands were cold because you didn't use either?!"

Eamon:  "I forgot about the mittens and that I was keeping them in there."

Me:  "You mean the pockets?  Because these 'mitten-storage containers' are also known as pockets."

He'll never admit his mistake now that I've caught him in this glaring oversight.  Henceforth, Eamon's pockets shall always be known as "mitten-storage containers." ;) 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

~Mortifying Conversations~

Today was a memorable day in which a whole new level of parental embarrassment was achieved...

Today Eamon's Tae Kwon Do teacher had to stop class to address Eamon's flatulence.  In the end - pun intended - he finally entreated Eamon to, "...just go ahead and let it all out, man.  Otherwise, I'm afraid you might explode.  And at least this way maybe your mom will be willing to let you in the car after class."  As I was covering my face, which was burning with shame, Eamon was maniacally giggling and passing gas, as eight year old boys are wont to do in such situations.  Oh, and should I mention that his classmates were covering their noses with their doboks?  *sigh*