Monday, December 9, 2013

~Pocketed Conversations~

While driving home from my school's VERY frosty holiday parade in which Eamon got to ride on a firetruck...

Me:  "Were you warm enough?  Because I was FREEZING!"

Eamon:  "Yeah, I was pretty warm, except my hands got cold."

Me:  "Oh, no.  They were cold even though you put them in your pockets?  Because you didn't have to wave the whole time you were on the firetruck.  You could have put them in your pockets."

Eamon:  <solemnly>  "I don't have pockets."

Me:  "What?!  That's a brand new jacket.  I'm sure it has pockets!"

Eamon:  "Nope, no pockets."

Me:  "Hmm..."

Five minutes later after parking the car and reaching into the backseat for the jacket which of course my frosty-handed son was not wearing...

Me:  "There are TOO pockets in this jacket!  Two of them in fact..."

Eamon:  "Oh.  Those.  Those aren't pockets.  That's just wear I store my mittens."

Me:  <gasping>  "There are mittens in here too?!  You had pockets AND mittens and your hands were cold because you didn't use either?!"

Eamon:  "I forgot about the mittens and that I was keeping them in there."

Me:  "You mean the pockets?  Because these 'mitten-storage containers' are also known as pockets."

He'll never admit his mistake now that I've caught him in this glaring oversight.  Henceforth, Eamon's pockets shall always be known as "mitten-storage containers." ;) 

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