Tuesday, August 28, 2012

~Fundraising Conversations~

While trying to convince Meema (via phone) to contribute to his effort of selling 18 items so that he can ride in a stretch hummer...

Eamon:  "Hi, Meema!"

Meema:  "Hi!  How was schoo..."

Eamon:  "Do you want to buy some cookie dough?  If I sell 18 items, I get to ride in a limo!"

Meema:  "Umm, wha... Oh, fundraiser time."  *sigh*  "What kind of cookie dough?"

Eamon:  "Chocolate chip, macadamia nut, oatmeal raisin.  What kind do you want?"

Meema:  "Well, let me talk to Aunt Erica and..."

Eamon:  "So what kind of cookie dough do you want to buy?  I can't wait to ride in a limo!"

Hmm, I need to learn Eamon's hard-sell technique!  ;)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

~2nd Grade Conversations~

While discussing his first day of school...

Eamon:  "I kind of like second grade.  And I can't wait to multiply!"

Me:  "That's great!  I'm so glad you liked your first day in Ms. Cote's class!"

Eamon:  "Oh, was that her name?"

Me:  "Um, yeah.  Remember when we went to school on Tuesday to meet your new teacher?"

Mark:  "And I said her name to you a million times in the car this morning?"

Eamon:  "Umm, not really."

Sunday, August 19, 2012

~Counterfeit Conversations~

While deciding what to do on our Sunday afternoon...

Eamon:  "You can take me to the toy store and we can try to buy the Pharoah's Quest Lego set."

Me:  "No, you don't have nearly enough money for that."

Eamon:  <slyly>  "Yes, I do..."

Me:  "No, you don't.  It's over a hundred dollars and you have less than ten in your piggy bank." 

Eamon:  "But if I use those fake dollars, I'll have enough."

Me:  "What are you talking about?"

Eamon:  "Remember those dollar bills I cut out of my Math workbook?  We can use those."

Me:  *sigh*  "We've talked about this, Eamon.  They can't be spent.  Those are just pieces of paper that kind of look like dollar bills - on one side!  They're not even the same size as real money!" 

Eamon:  "But we could try..." 

I foresee myself spending a lot of time in Eamon's principal's office in the future... ;)

Monday, August 13, 2012

~Forced Fun Conversations~

While walking to the park for our "fun family outing" (i.e. forced fun)...

Eamon:  <squeal, swat, violent head shake>  "Argh!  The bugs!  The bugs are getting meeee!!!!  UGH!  I'm itchy! They're making me ITCH!!!  I'm hot!! Do we have to go to the park?  My legs hurt!! "

Me:  *sigh*  "You'll live."

10 more minutes of squealing and complaing about bugs...

Within five seconds of arriving at the park...

Eamon:  "Yay!  Mom, watch me!  I'm going to swing!  Can you push me?  Watch me climb the slide!  Now I'm going down!  Whee!  I'm going to play with those kids!" 

After at least 20 minutes of playing happily at the park until I say it's time to go...

Eamon:  "My stomach hurts.  I'm hungry. " 

Me:  *sigh*  "You can eat - again - when we get home."

Eamon:  "I want ice cream.  My toe hurts.  Argh!  The bugs are getting me again!  I'm itchy!  I don't have to write in my journal tonight, do I?  I'm too tired.  I'm so tired from playing all day!"

Me:  *sigh*  "Played all day?  This is the first time today you left the house."

Eamon:  "But I'm tired now.  My leg hurts.  Can I call daddy?  I'm hot.  It's almost dark!  When can I have ice cream?  Argh!  The buuugssss!!!" 

Sees Dad & Rowan coming around the corner from finishing their run as we approach the house, sprints toward them, suddenly cured of all ills...

Eamon:  "Daddy!  I had fun at the park!"      

I don't think anyone would blame me if I just hopped in my car and never looked back, right? ;) 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

~Animal Conversations~

While watching TV this morning...

Eamon:  "I want to be an animal 'cuz I don't want to go to school."

Me:  "Really?  Any animal?"

Eamon:  "I want to be Wolverine's pet."

Me:  "Wolverine, like from X-men, has a pet?"

Eamon:  "Yeah, he has a cool pet and that's what I want to be."

Supposedly there's a book that shows Wolverine's pet but now he can't find it... ;)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

~Speed Yoga Conversations~

After coming upstairs to ask Eamon why the shower wasn't running and why he wasn't in it, I saw him stretched out on a mat...

Eamon:  "I'm not in the shower yet b/c I'm doing yoga to help my back."

Me:  "Oh, really..."

Eamon:  "Yeah, I'm going to do all the poses on daddy's yoga mat."

Me:  <watching him get into a pose and hold it for about half a second before moving on>  "You know, you need to hold your yoga poses longer for it to help."

Eamon:  "Nah, I don't want to do that.  Hey, can you help me get my stomach off the ground for Bow Pose?"

Me:  "Um, the whole point is that you need to use your muscles to do it yourself."

Eamon:  "Oh. Well, I'm almost done anyway.  Just one more... Ow!"

Me:  "What do you mean 'ow?'  You're in corpse pose."

Eamon:  "Yeah, it hurts my back."

Me:  "Well, you know maybe..."

Eamon:  <jumps up> "I'm hungry!"  <runs downstairs for food>

I guess speed yoga is hard work! ;)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

~Metal Conversations~

While walking to the car after camp today...

Eamon:  "Mommy, how do you make metal?"

Me:  "Ummm, for what...??"

Eamon:  "You know, metal for my dragon tank that I'm going to make when I'm grown up."

Me:  "Right, the dragon tank.  Well, to make metal from scratch, you'd need to mine metal ore from the earth and then..."

Eamon:  "What's ore?"

Me:  "It's the bits of raw metal that's in the ground.  So you'd have to mine in and then heat it up super hot and mold it into the shapes you want."

Eamon:  "How do you pick it up when it's really hot?  Do you use oven mitts?"

Me:  "Well, not exactly..."

Eamon:  "Really big oven mitts?"

Me:  "Uh, sure, close enough..."

Eamon:  "But I still don't understand how I'm going to make metal for my dragon tank."

Me:  <struck with a sudden idea>  "Ok, remember that episode of Avatar, the Last Airbender when Sokka makes a sword from that meteor?  And they heat up the metal and mold it into the shape of a sword and beat it w/ hammers?  That's how you do it!" 

Thank goodness for Nickelodeon... ;)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

~Bonding Conversations~

The father-son bond between Mark and Eamon grows stronger - and odder - every day.  So while we were getting ready to read Eamon stories before bed, this exchange took place...

Eamon:  <makes rude noise>

Me:  "Eamon, geez!  You're starting to sound like your dad."

Eamon:  <giggles and grins mischieviously>

30 seconds later after Mark walks in...

Mark:  <makes rude noise>

Me:  "Mark!"

Eamon:  <very seriously> "It wasn't him, mommy. It was one of my stuffed animals."

Mark:  "Um, yeah... I thought so but I was going to take the blame because I didn't want your stuffed animal to feel embarrassed.  But thanks for setting the record straight, son!"

Eamon smiles angelically and they do a father-son fist bump while I shake my head at the absurdity of it all...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

~Wishful Conversations~

While walking to the park today, Eamon insisted on bringing his life-sized Nerf battle-axe...

Mark:  "Eamon, hurry up!  Why do you keep falling behind?  You need to walk with your mom and I."

Eamon:  "I'm chopping down the flowers that we pass by, but just the white ones."

Me:  "The dandelions?"

Eamon:  <ominously> "Yeah, so no one can make wishes on them."

Me:  <sigh>  "My son the wish-slayer..."