Thursday, August 9, 2012

~Speed Yoga Conversations~

After coming upstairs to ask Eamon why the shower wasn't running and why he wasn't in it, I saw him stretched out on a mat...

Eamon:  "I'm not in the shower yet b/c I'm doing yoga to help my back."

Me:  "Oh, really..."

Eamon:  "Yeah, I'm going to do all the poses on daddy's yoga mat."

Me:  <watching him get into a pose and hold it for about half a second before moving on>  "You know, you need to hold your yoga poses longer for it to help."

Eamon:  "Nah, I don't want to do that.  Hey, can you help me get my stomach off the ground for Bow Pose?"

Me:  "Um, the whole point is that you need to use your muscles to do it yourself."

Eamon:  "Oh. Well, I'm almost done anyway.  Just one more... Ow!"

Me:  "What do you mean 'ow?'  You're in corpse pose."

Eamon:  "Yeah, it hurts my back."

Me:  "Well, you know maybe..."

Eamon:  <jumps up> "I'm hungry!"  <runs downstairs for food>

I guess speed yoga is hard work! ;)

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