Monday, August 13, 2012

~Forced Fun Conversations~

While walking to the park for our "fun family outing" (i.e. forced fun)...

Eamon:  <squeal, swat, violent head shake>  "Argh!  The bugs!  The bugs are getting meeee!!!!  UGH!  I'm itchy! They're making me ITCH!!!  I'm hot!! Do we have to go to the park?  My legs hurt!! "

Me:  *sigh*  "You'll live."

10 more minutes of squealing and complaing about bugs...

Within five seconds of arriving at the park...

Eamon:  "Yay!  Mom, watch me!  I'm going to swing!  Can you push me?  Watch me climb the slide!  Now I'm going down!  Whee!  I'm going to play with those kids!" 

After at least 20 minutes of playing happily at the park until I say it's time to go...

Eamon:  "My stomach hurts.  I'm hungry. " 

Me:  *sigh*  "You can eat - again - when we get home."

Eamon:  "I want ice cream.  My toe hurts.  Argh!  The bugs are getting me again!  I'm itchy!  I don't have to write in my journal tonight, do I?  I'm too tired.  I'm so tired from playing all day!"

Me:  *sigh*  "Played all day?  This is the first time today you left the house."

Eamon:  "But I'm tired now.  My leg hurts.  Can I call daddy?  I'm hot.  It's almost dark!  When can I have ice cream?  Argh!  The buuugssss!!!" 

Sees Dad & Rowan coming around the corner from finishing their run as we approach the house, sprints toward them, suddenly cured of all ills...

Eamon:  "Daddy!  I had fun at the park!"      

I don't think anyone would blame me if I just hopped in my car and never looked back, right? ;) 

1 comment:

  1. AS long as you take the kids with you, nope. No blame at all. :)
