Tuesday, July 31, 2012

~Yogi Conversations~

While playing with my 5 lb weights...

Eamon:  "I like working out with weights."

Me:  "You do, huh?"

Eamon:  "Yeah, and you can do yoga stuff with them."  <balances his body above the floor on his hands, which are on the weights>

Me:  "Really?  Did you learn that yoga move from Aunt Erica?"

Eamon:  "No, I just know it."

Me:  "But where did you learn it?"

Eamon:  "I made it up."

My kid the yoga genius...? ;)

Monday, July 23, 2012

~Mouthwashing Conversations~

While doing the bedtime routine tonight...

Eamon:  "Mommy, can you help me with the [kids'] mouthwash?"

Me:  "Sure. <walks into the bathroom and notices somthing odd>  "Hey, we've had this mouthwash for over a week but it's so full that it's about to spill out the top... almost like someone has been topping it off with something?"

Eamon: .....

Me:  "Eamon, have you been filling the mouthwash bottle with water every night?"

Eamon:  "Well, yeah, so we wouldn't run out." 

Geez, why didn't I think of that!? ;)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

~Father-Son Conversations~

While driving home from the lake, I noticed in my rear-view mirror, a furiously waving hand...

Me:  "Uh, yes, Eamon, did you want to say something?"

Eamon:  "I still haven't picked what kind of car I want."
Me:  "Uhh, what?"

Eamon:  "I need to figure out what kind of car I want."

Me:  "For when you get older?"

Eamon:  "Yeah. I just saw car places called Nissan and Infinity and I already know about Hondas, Toyotas, and Fords.  Which do you think I should get?"

Mark:  "A gas-guzzling monstrosity!"

Eamon:  "Daddy, it has to be good for the environment."

Mark:  <sigh>  "Ok, how about a... TANK!?"

Eamon:  "YESSSSS!!!"

<Pause for father-son fist bump while I shake my head>

Mark:  <laughing>  "Because a tank is so eco-friendly..."

Eamon:  "Mine will be.  I'm going to use my tank to blow up bad factories!"

Mark:  "Awesome!"

Eamon:  "But I'm going to send the factories a note first.  I'll give them a chance to stop doing bad stuff and if they don't, I'm going to blow them up!" 

Mark:  "But blowing the factories up could pollute as bad as the factories do."

Eamon:  <thinking>  "Ok, I'm going to make a dragon tank and it's going to have drills and if they don't stop polluting, the note will say my tank is going to drill them into the ground!"

Mark:  "Cool!"

And then the conversation turned, naturally, to the Batmobile, which Mark said he'd like for Eamon to make for him...

Eamon:  "Are you sure you wouldn't rather have real Kryptonite, Daddy?"

Mark:  <scoffing>  "Nope, just the Batmobile."

Eamon:  "Ok, I'll make you the Batmobile and I'll throw in the Kryptonite for free.  You have to pay for the Batmobile but since I'm your son, you won't have to pay a lot. You can pay me a $1." 

Mark:  "Plus expenses, right?"

Eamon:  "No, I'm going to build it myself so I won't have to buy anything so you just pay me a dollar.  But since I'm giving you the Kryptonite for free, you need to give me something for free, Daddy."

Mark:  "Of course.  You can be Robin to my Batman and ride around in the Batmobile with me."

Eamon:  "No, I mean something good."

Mark:  "What's better than being my sidekick?"

Eamon:  "The Pharoah's Quest Lego set."

Mark:  "Ok, you build me the Batmobile and give me Kryptonite and I will be buy you Pharoah's Quest."

Eamon:  "YESSSS!  Now we just need to find a $1,000 bill..." 

In case you don't remember, Eamon is obsessed with 1) building cars and selling them to people for a dollar and 2) finding a $1,000 bill which he plans to buy the Lego Pharoah's Quest with since he doesn't believe us when we say it's $100... ;)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

~Computer Conversations~

While discussing how many books we have left to read for the library's summer reading program...

Eamon:  "I only have 7 more circles to fill in and then I can turn my paper in for a prize!"

Me:  "Cool. We can go next Saturday to turn our forms in."

Eamon:  "Saturday? But that's when Prankster Planet Level 3 comes out!"

Me:  "What?"

Eamon:  "Prankster Planet - that game on the computer - puts out a new level each Saturday and next week is Level 3."

Me:  "Wait a minute.  Are you telling me you're planning to spend all of next Saturday playing a game on the computer?"

Eamon:  "Well, just until I beat Level 3."

The fact that he was planing to spend all of next Saturday in front of the computer, to the exclusion of all other activities, is especially funny to me b/c we have rules about how long he gets to spend on the computer and when.  A boy can dream though, I guess.  ;)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

~Brownie Conversations~

While discussing whether or not Eamon was going to share the brownie treat with me that he made in Zoo camp...

Me:  "Yum, I can't wait to have some!"

Eamon:  "What?! It's for me, mommy. See?  It's got my name on the bag."

Me:  "You have two there.  I think you can share one."

Suddenly a horrible thought strikes...

Me:  "Wait a minute... Did you wash your hands before you made that brownie treat?"

Eamon:  "Well........"

Me:  <recoiling at the possibility of all the germs on those brownies> "'Well'? 'Well' what?  Did you wash your hands or not before you made that?!" 

Eamon:  "Well, we did pet an animal friend right before we did the brownies so we did have to use hand sanitizer."

I did eat some of the brownie to prove that I wasn't afraid and so that my 7 yr old won't suffer through salmonella alone but I think that may have been the first time I didn't enjoy eating chocolate... ;) 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

~Friendly Conversations~

While waiting for Eamon's swim lessons to begin...

Boy:  <approaches Eamon, gesticulating excitedly>  "Were you at Zoo camp today?"

Eamon:  "Yeah."

Boy:  <turns, smiles to his dad, and walks away>  "I knew it!"

The dad and I look at each other and smile in exasperation at the social skills of 7 year olds...

Me:  "Eamon, why don't you go ask that little boy his name."

Eamon:  "Ok." <walks over, asks the boy's name, and walks back to me>  "His name's Harrison."

Me:  "Cool.  Did you tell him your name?"

Eamon:  "Oh, I forgot."

Ten seconds later...

Boy:  <walks over>  "Hey, what's your name?"

Eamon:  "It's Eamon."

Boy:  <turns to dad>  "His name's Eamon!" <walks away without another glance>

Eamon:  "Well, now I have a friend in Zoo camp." 

If only making friends could that be easy your whole life! ;)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

~Acting Conversations~

While tucking Eamon in for bed...

Me:  <noticing him laying oddly on the bed w/ his mouth open>  "Are you licking your pillow?"

Eamon: <not moving>

Me:  "Eamon, what are you doing?  I really hope you aren't licking your pillow."

Eamon:  <whispering>  "I'm dead."

Me:  <instantly switching into melodrama mode>  "Oh, no!  Not that!  Not... DEAD!!!!"

Eamon:  <sigh>  "I'm not really dead.  How come you can't ever tell?"

Me:  "I guess because you're such a good actor."

Eamon:  "Mommy!" 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

~Thousand Dollar Conversations~

From Eamon's daily journal...

"I wish that I had enough money to get the giant Pharohs quest [Lego playset].  There is a giant scorpion!  I think it is a 1,000 Dollars.  I'm going to find a 1,000 Dollar bill."

Me:  <after reviewing the journal entry> "You're planning to find a $1,000 bill so you can buy that Lego set?"

Eamon:  "Well, it would take too long to make a $1,000 so I'm just going to find it instead." 

~Grocery Conversations~

While discussing Eamon's favorite subject - food - and how often I have to go to the store to get it...

Eamon:  "You probably get tired of buying groceries every Sunday, right, mommy?"

Me:  "Well, yeah, it does get kind of old."

Eamon:  "I know!  Daddy can go to the grocery store from now on!"

Me:  <laughing at the thought of the grocery shopping duties going to Mark and how much the bill would increase since he's not a bargain shopper>  "Sure, yeah, it can be his job from now on!"

Eamon:  "Daddy can do the grocery shopping for thirty years and then you can do it for thirty years and then he can do it for thirty years and then you can do it for thirty years!"

Me:  "So we're going to switch grocery duties every thirty years, huh?"
Eamon:  "Yeah!  Isn't that a good plan?!"

Thursday, July 5, 2012

~Kitty Cat Conversations~

While discussing one of my mom's cats and one of its many names...

Eamon:  "A long time ago, when I named him Zon Ton, I didn't mean to name him that.  I meant to name him the same name as that animal in Star Wars.  You know that animal I mean, Mommy?"

Me:  "You mean the one that Luke Skywalker slept in?  A Ton Ton?"

Eamon:  "Yeah, Ton Ton!  So that's his name now." 

So apparently we've been calling the cat the wrong name for the past two years!  But it's ok b/c this cat has more names than a con artist - Santana Darwin Squee Zon-Ton Mischief Ton-Ton, in order of names given by various caretakers, owners, and assorted grandchildren. ;) 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

~Musical Conversations~

While driving in the car trying to decide what to listen to...

Eamon:  "Ooh, I like this one!"

Me & Rowan:  <shocked because he'd just spent 5 minutes whining and complaining about the last song> "You do!?"

Eamon:  "Yeah, because it sounds like people dying."

Me:  "Wha...?!"