Saturday, July 21, 2012

~Computer Conversations~

While discussing how many books we have left to read for the library's summer reading program...

Eamon:  "I only have 7 more circles to fill in and then I can turn my paper in for a prize!"

Me:  "Cool. We can go next Saturday to turn our forms in."

Eamon:  "Saturday? But that's when Prankster Planet Level 3 comes out!"

Me:  "What?"

Eamon:  "Prankster Planet - that game on the computer - puts out a new level each Saturday and next week is Level 3."

Me:  "Wait a minute.  Are you telling me you're planning to spend all of next Saturday playing a game on the computer?"

Eamon:  "Well, just until I beat Level 3."

The fact that he was planing to spend all of next Saturday in front of the computer, to the exclusion of all other activities, is especially funny to me b/c we have rules about how long he gets to spend on the computer and when.  A boy can dream though, I guess.  ;)

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