Sunday, December 28, 2014

~Cyclical Conversation~

While driving to the park to ride Eamon's new bike...

Eamon:  "Daddy said there's going to be a 200 mile bike race next October."

Me:  <laughing>  "Oh, yeah?  Are you thinking of signing up?"

Eamon:  <nonchalantly>  "Yeah."

Me:  <surprised>  "Oh, really?  You think you could do 200 miles on a bike?"

Eamon:  <matter-of-factly>  "Mom, it's in October so I'd have plenty of time to train."

Wow, I wonder where he learned that phrase! ;)

Yeah, somehow I don't think he's ready for this yet... ;)

Saturday, December 27, 2014

~Salted Conversations~

On a recent visit to Rowan's Subway...

Me:  "Ok, I'll buy everyone ONE cookie.  Eamon, what kind do you want?"

Eamon:  "Gingerbread.  And these sea salt and vinegar potato chips."

Me:  "What?!  You've never had those and you don't even like stuff like that!"

Eamon:  <eyes glazed over with longing>  "I know but I think I really would like them now."

Me:  "You can either have the chips or the cookie, not both."

Eamon:  <resolutely>  "Ok.  Then I'll take the chips."

Me:  <surprised>  "Alright."

Later in the car...

Eamon:  <rapturously>  "These are so good!"

Me:  "Glad you like them."

Eamon:  "Um, mommy, can I have some water?"

Me:  "Sure, here you go."

Eamon:  "It's important to stay hydrated while you're eating these kinds of chips or you could get deyhydrated."

Me:  "Um, I guess..."

Mark:  <talking to Eamon>

Eamon:  "Uh, huh... <sadly>  My chips are almost gone."

Mark:  "Did you hear me?"

Eamon:  "I'm just going to stick my face in the bag so I can inhale their scent even though they're gone now."

My boy and his obsession with food.  I can't even imagine what the teenage years will bring. ;)

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

~Conversations With Husbands~

Christmas-Eve Eve

Me:  "So you're going to use the smoker to cook the Christmas chicken tomorrow?"

Mark:  "Yeah, it'll be fine."

Me:  <worriedly>  "Has anything really ever been successfully cooked with that smoker?

Mark:  <confidently>  "Yeah, I've done it a thousand times!"

Me:  <with certainty>  "You have not!"

Mark:  "Well, it was at least twice."

A thousand times, two times... really, who's counting? Oh, right, the wife!  ;) 

Let's hope this isn't what our X-mas chicken will look like. ;)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

~Bagged Conversations~

While prepping for the school day...

Mark:  "Eamon, which lunch bag do you want to take?  The USC one or the Westwood one?"

Eamon:  "Westwood."

Mark:  "Yeah, that one seems to have a little more insulation..."

Eamon:  "No, it makes a better robot voice sound when I wave it in front of my mouth when I'm talking."

Mark:  "You have very weird criteria for choosing a lunch bag."

Eamon:  "Yeah."

Sunday, December 14, 2014

~Fashionable Conversation~

While doing some Christmas shopping today...

Me:  "Eamon, don't I look cute in my new yoga pants?!"

Eamon:  "Mmph."

Me:  "Come on!  They've got unicorns and rainbows on them and I do look cute in them!"

Eamon:  "Mmph."

Me:  <teasing>  "Ok, now is when you're supposed to say, 'You're the most beautiful mom in the world'!"

Eamon:  "Mmph."

Me:  <still teasing>  "Ok, if I'm not the most beautiful mom in the world, who could possibly be more beautiful than me?"

Eamon:  <matter-of-factly>  "A fashion stylist."

He couldn't tell me what a fashion stylist looks like, does, or wears but, he was certain they must be beautiful. ;) 

Saturday, December 13, 2014

~Randomized Conversations~

Realizing that Eamon had added something to his chore chart on the refrigerator...

Me:  "Did you write, "EAT," on your list of chores?!"

Eamon:  "Yep."

Me:  "So eating is now one of your daily chores?"

Eamon:  "Yep."

Me:  "Of course it is..."


On the way to gymnastics...

Eamon:  "You know, I knew that I was smart even back when I was a little kid."

Me:  "Oh, yeah?  And how did you know that?"

Eamon:  "When I was in daycare, the other kids and I would ask each other math problems."

Me:  "And that's how you knew you were smart?"

Eamon:  "Well, we'd ask ourselves questions like 10+10 and 40+40 and they were really hard at first but then, as we got smarter, the questions got easier."

Me:  "Uh-huh..."

It's times like this I feel like Westley from The Princess Bride talking to Vizzini:  "Truly, you have a dizzying intellect..."  


After bringing the car to a sudden stop in stop-and-go traffic...

Eamon:  <rude bodily noise>  "Wow, that just scared all the gas out of me!"

Me:  *sigh*  <rolls window down>
