Saturday, December 27, 2014

~Salted Conversations~

On a recent visit to Rowan's Subway...

Me:  "Ok, I'll buy everyone ONE cookie.  Eamon, what kind do you want?"

Eamon:  "Gingerbread.  And these sea salt and vinegar potato chips."

Me:  "What?!  You've never had those and you don't even like stuff like that!"

Eamon:  <eyes glazed over with longing>  "I know but I think I really would like them now."

Me:  "You can either have the chips or the cookie, not both."

Eamon:  <resolutely>  "Ok.  Then I'll take the chips."

Me:  <surprised>  "Alright."

Later in the car...

Eamon:  <rapturously>  "These are so good!"

Me:  "Glad you like them."

Eamon:  "Um, mommy, can I have some water?"

Me:  "Sure, here you go."

Eamon:  "It's important to stay hydrated while you're eating these kinds of chips or you could get deyhydrated."

Me:  "Um, I guess..."

Mark:  <talking to Eamon>

Eamon:  "Uh, huh... <sadly>  My chips are almost gone."

Mark:  "Did you hear me?"

Eamon:  "I'm just going to stick my face in the bag so I can inhale their scent even though they're gone now."

My boy and his obsession with food.  I can't even imagine what the teenage years will bring. ;)

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