Tuesday, September 16, 2014

~SleepyTime Conversations~

While discussing sleep, being tired, and the sheer amazingness that is naptime (in my opinion!)...

Eamon:  "When I was little, I didn't know about sleep so I just layed there with my eyes open."

Me:  "Um, what!?  You're trying to tell me that because you didn't know how to sleep when you were little, you just didn't do it?  For years."

Eamon:  <with a straight face>  "Yeah, I would lay down at night and just stare at the ceiling until morning but I didn't sleep."

Me:  "I see.  So once you learned about sleep as you got older, then you started doing it?"

Eamon:  "Yeah."

Me:  "And when did you finally understand how sleep works?"

Eamon:  "When I was four."

Me:  "Ah.  Well, that would certainly explain your first two years when I got about three solid hours of sleep per night..."

This is three-year-old Eamon, definitely not sleeping.  
You can tell that he is not asleep by the blur of his hands as he is actively coloring - 
with his neck bent at such an angle as to catch the light on his child-prodigy-like artwork. ;) 

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