Tuesday, September 23, 2014

~A Wealth of Conversations~

While discussing the future...

Eamon:  "When I become a famous scientist, I'm going to be rich.  So I'm going to have a mansion of course."

Me:  "Oh.  Well, of course.  What exactly are you going to put in your mansion?"

Eamon:  "I'm going to have a room for my dogs.  And I'm going to have a butler."

Me:  "A butler?  To answer the door for you?"

Eamon:  <horrified>  "No!  I can answer the door myself!"

Me:  "Will the butler walk your dogs?"

Eamon:  <indignant>  "No!  A good dog owner walks his own dogs!"

Me:  "True... but then what would the butler do for you?"

Eamon:  "Bring me stuff."

Me:  "So you can open your own door and walk your own dogs but you can't get your own stuff?"

Eamon:  "Well, I could but that's will be the butler's job."

Me:  "I see..."

Yep, sounds legit. ;)

1 comment:

  1. And in case you're wondering, Eamon said his dad and I - and anyone who wanted to - could live in the mansion with him. :)
