Wednesday, May 15, 2013

~Hooters Conversations~

While getting ready for bedtime...

Eamon:  "Mommy, I've heard of a restaurant called 'Hooters' but I've never been there yet."

Me:  <wondering how much to say> "Well, uh, you see, the food there is really not all that good. <deciding to go for it>  And the waitresses have to wear really short shorts and tight tank tops.  It's more a place to go if you like to look at women's bodies while you're eating."

Eamon:  "...."

Me:  "What do you think - do you still want to go?"

Eamon:  "NO!  That. Sounds. Horrible."

Me:  "Well, you know, one day you might looking at girls and want a girlfrie..."

Eamon:  "NO!"   

I wonder how long this "girls are gross" kick is going to last.  Just the other day, he accidentally agreed with us when we said something about when he's grown up and has a girlfriend - until he remembered he loathes girls and will never have a GF.  ;)  (And if the "girls are gross" phase happens to last forever, that's fine too!)

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