Saturday, May 25, 2013

~Field Trip Conversations~

While attending a field trip with Eamon's class and listening to an EMS paramedic talk to the kids....

EMS guy:  "Kids, when you call 911, how does the operator know whether to send the fire dept, the police, or an ambulance?"

<Eamon starts frantically waving his hand to be called on and gets permission to answer>

Eamon:  "You tell them what the problem is when you're on the phone and that's how they'll know who to send."

Kids:  "Ohhhh!"

EMS guy:  "That's right!"

Girl from Eamon's Class:  <turns to me with a smile on her face>  "Eamon is SO smart!  He is always saying smart stuff like that in class!"

Me:  <kind of surprised that that seemed like a tough question but realizing that for 2nd graders, I guess it is> "Oh, well, yes, he is.  Thank you!"

I guess it's only natural that common sense isn't common - yet - to seven year olds! ;)

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