Sunday, May 12, 2013

~Girly Conversations~

While playing at the park where Eamon ran into a classmate...

Eamon:  "Mom, can I go over there to the big field and play with Nakeema?"

Me:  <looking at every little girl/friend of Eamon's as a potential daughter-in-law>  "I guess... She seems really sweet.  What's she like in school?  Is she a good kid?"

Eamon:  "Yeah, she's good.  She never gets into trouble.  Well, except when Azaryah makes her mad.  Oh, and Hannah."

Me:  "Umm, it's sounding like she kind of has a temper..."

Eamon:  "Well, Azaryah and Hannah are bullies so not really.  But sometimes Nakeema hears voices."

Me:  "Wait, WHAT?!"

Eamon:  "Yeah, sometimes Nakeema gets mad because she thinks Azaryah is saying mean things but she's not so she just hears things that no one else hears."

Me:  "Ok, wait a minute.  If Azaryah is known to be kind of a bully and Nakeema, who seems kind of sweet and only gets mad when known bullies antagonize her, gets mad because she says a known bully is saying mean things, then I'd say there's a pretty good chance that Azaryah is saying mean things so low that only Nakeema can hear."  

Eamon:  "Whatever.  Can I go play with her?"

Me:  <There's a 50/50 chance that my grandkids will turn out crazy but at least they'll be beautiful...>  "Sure, have fun!"

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