Sunday, November 25, 2012

~Forgotten Lunch Conversations~

After arriving home from our recent trip...

Me:  "Hey, you have leftover pizza so I think we'll just heat that up for you when we get back from the store, ok?"

Eamon:  "Yeah, I can have that for lunch."

Me:  "Lunch?  You mean dinner?"

Eamon:  "No, I want to eat it for lunch."

Me:  "Dude, lunch is long over.  It's 5pm now so we're talking about dinner."

Eamon:  "What!?  I missed lunch!?  How come you didn't give me any lunch!?"

Me:  "Eamon, you ate lunch.  That's what the leftover pizza is from, remember?!" 

Eamon:  "Oh, yeah..."

As if he would ever let us forget to feed him... ;)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

~How-Not-To-Pack Conversations~

Hours after Eamon had "helped" pack his own clothes for an upcoming trip...

Me:  <moving a very large toy out of the way while straightening the TV room> "Hey, this giraffe toy is really heavy.  Why is it so heavy?  <looks inside>  Eamon, are those your clothes that you 'packed' for Kentucky?!"

Eamon:  "Yeah."

Me:  "Why would you put all your clothes inside your giraffe toy? They could have gotten left behind!"

Eamon:  "Well, I had to put them somewhere." 

~Not-so-sick Conversations~

As most of you know, just because a child isn't well enough to go to school, doesn't mean they're not well enough to make "mischief of one kind and another..."

Me:  "Eamon!  What ARE you doing?!"

Eamon:  "Walking a tight rope."

Me:  "That is not a tight rope, it is the arm of the couch!  Get down from there!"

Eamon:  "Well, it looks like a tight rope to me..."

~Croupy Conversations~

As a follow-up to the previous post, yesterday's light cough turned into a nasty case of croup around 2am this morning.  But despite being up and inconsolable from 2 am - 3am, Eamon bounced out of bed at 7am!

Eamon:  <w/ a voice like gravel>  "G'morning."

Mark:  "Good morning!  Ready for school?"

Eamon:  <raspy voice>  "Sure, I'm fine."

Me:  "Actually, sweetie, you're going to be staying home today."

Eamon:  <gravelly voice>  "Yay! <gasp, cough!> It's like having a <COUGH, GASP!> mini holiday!"

I don't know if I should be proud or alarmed that my son has picked up the family sentiment of treating sick days like holidays! (;

Monday, November 19, 2012

~Feverish Conversations~

While getting ready for school today...

Me:  <sneaking up on Eamon as he comes out of the bathroom> "Rah!"

Eamon:  <immediately springing into ninja attack stance>  "Hyah! Got you, mommy!"

Eamon suddenly remembering something important...

Eamon:  <cough, cough>  "Mommy, I think I'm sick."

Me:  "Really?  You coughed twice. I think you'll be fine."

Eamon:  "But I think I have a fever.  Can you take my temperature?"

Me:  *sigh*  "Ok, I'll take your temperature to see if you're sick.  But the thermometer is upstairs so... RACE YOU TO IT!!"

Eamon:  "YOU'RE ON!"  <races upstairs at top speed>

Me:  "Yeah, dude, I'm pretty sure you're not sick...."

Eamon:  "But can you still take my temperature?" 

I'm so thankful he hasn't yet made it to the Ferris Bueller level of playing sick! ;)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

~Chihuahua Conversations~

While driving home today...

Eamon:  "When I grow up, I'm going to have lots of those little dogs, you know, chihuahuas."

Mark:  "As long as they're at your house and not mine."

Eamon:  "Yeah, my house is going to be full of them.  I'm even going to have a chihuahua truck and it's going to be shaped like a chihuahua.  And there's going to be a magic portal in my house to take people to the land of chihuahuas!" 

Me:  "Wow, that's a lot of chihuahuas.  What are you going to name all of them?"

Eamon:  "Umm, let me think... Actually, I think I'm just going to have one.  I have to think about the name though."

Me: "El taco gigante!"

Mark:  "Skee-bo! Chimichanga! Chalupa! Margarita!"

Eamon:  "Stop it!  I want to think of a name by myself!"

Me:  "Yeah, let him have some time to think, Mark."

Eamon:  <thinking and thinking>  "Um, ok, what names were you saying, daddy?"

Mark:  "Burrito! El Guapo!"

Eamon:  "Waffle!  I'm going to name my chihuahua, Waffle!"

~Tea Time Conversations~

While attempting to make Thai iced tea...

Eamon:  "Mommy, what are you making?"

Me:  "It's supposed to be Thai iced tea."

Eamon:  "What's that white stuff you're putting in the tea?"

Me:  "Sweetened condensed milk."

Eamon:  "Oh, is it just for grownups?"

Me:  "No..."

Eamon:  "So it's ok for kids to have to?"

Mark:  "I think he's angling for some of your tea."

Eamon:  <looking up at me sweetly> "Can I?"

Thursday, November 15, 2012

~Necessary Conversations~

While tucking Eamon in for the night...

Eamon:  "Come on, mommy.  Try to get me!"

Me:  <fixing the sheet and blankets>  "I'm not going to get you.  I'm trying to straighten all the bedding."

Eamon:  "Come on! Com... AUUGHHH!!!!!!"

Me:  <pinning him w/ the sheets to tickle attack him> "GOT YOU!!!!"

Eamon:  "Was that really necessary!?"

Me:  "Yes, of course that was necessary."

Eamon:  "What does 'necessary' even mean?"

Me:  "You're the one who used it!"

Eamon:  "But I still don't know what it means."

I love it that my kid knows when to use a big word, even if he's not sure yet what it means. ;)  (And, yes, I defined 'necessary' for him!)