Thursday, November 15, 2012

~Necessary Conversations~

While tucking Eamon in for the night...

Eamon:  "Come on, mommy.  Try to get me!"

Me:  <fixing the sheet and blankets>  "I'm not going to get you.  I'm trying to straighten all the bedding."

Eamon:  "Come on! Com... AUUGHHH!!!!!!"

Me:  <pinning him w/ the sheets to tickle attack him> "GOT YOU!!!!"

Eamon:  "Was that really necessary!?"

Me:  "Yes, of course that was necessary."

Eamon:  "What does 'necessary' even mean?"

Me:  "You're the one who used it!"

Eamon:  "But I still don't know what it means."

I love it that my kid knows when to use a big word, even if he's not sure yet what it means. ;)  (And, yes, I defined 'necessary' for him!)

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