Wednesday, May 30, 2012

~Mother's Day Conversations~

This is the Mother's Day card Eamon made for me at school. :)

Dear Mom, 

I love you because some times you donet let me do the dishis or fold my close.  You are the gratest Mom at USC!  Thanck you for geting the groshres on Sundays.  It is fun to walck to the park together.   

Love, Eamon

~School Awards Conversations~

Eamon:  "Mommy, I got five awards at school today!"

Me:  "Five? That's awesome! What were the awards for?"

Eamon:  "I got a Smart Cookie Award and I got an award that is a cookie and three others."

Me:  "A cookie award?  Let me see that... Honey, the Smart Cookie Award certificate is stapled to a baggie w/ a cookie in it so I think it's all one thing but it is still cool.  Now tell me about your other aw..."

Eamon:  "No!  The cookie award is different than the Smart Cookie Award."

Me:  "Ok, fine but tell me about your other awards."

Eamon:  *shrugs* "They're in my folder if you want to see but the cookie award is the only one that came with food." 

Even at 6, he definitely has his priorities... ;)


Sunday, May 27, 2012

~Shaken Present Conversations~

While ogling the two birthday presents left by Meema the last time she visited...

Eamon:  "Mommy?"

Me:  "Yes?"

Eamon:  "I can't wait until it's my birthday so I can open Meema's presents."

Me:  "Yes, that will be really fun."

Eamon:  "Mommy?"

Me:  "Yes?"

Eamon:  "Can I just shake Meema's presents?  I won't open them."

Me:  "Yeah, I guess."

Eamon:  <shaking like crazy>  "Ooh, sounds like Legos.  Uh-oh... Um, mommy?"

Me:  <wondering how he managed to break and/or open the present w/ less than 10 seconds of shaking>  "Yes?"

Eamon:  "I need to show you something."

Brings me the present and points at a corner where there is no wrapping paper (something my mom is famous for!), clearly showing that it is indeed Legos...

Eamon:  *sigh* "Well, now that present's ruined."

As if he wasn't secretly overjoyed to find out he was getting more Legos! ;)

UPDATE:  30 minutes later...

Eamon:  "Mommy, I have a question for you."

Me:  "Ok...?"

Eamon:  "If a present is missing some wrapping paper, is it ok to just go ahead and open it?"

Me:  "No, the person needs to wait until their party to open the present!"

Eamon:  "Ok, I was just wondering."

~Loose Tooth Conversations~

A little while after a traumatic loose tooth incident this morning...

Me:  "Eamon, please help me put away at the groceries."

Eamon:  "But my stomach hurts."

Me:  "Your stomach always hurts when it's time to help around the house."

Eamon:  "But this time it really does.  I think it's b/c I can't drink anything until my tooth comes out."

Me:  "That silly rule you made up will not keep you from having to help around the house."

Eamon:  *sigh* "Ok.  Well, then can I have something to drink?" 

And I should also mention that he decided that one of several of his tooth-pulling attempts should occur while we were in line at the grocery store and I was trying to pay and get the grocery bags in the cart! 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

~Puppet Conversations~

Out of the blue while driving in the car...

Eamon: "I don't like puppets b/c when you put your fingers in them, their mouths open and they have really sharp teeth."

Me: "Honey, puppets don't have teeth."

Eamon: "Yes, they do."

Mark: "Ok, the basic thing you need to remember is that puppets are just full of stuffing, nothing that can hurt you."

Eamon: "They're not stuffed, they're made of wood."

Mark: "Ok, regardless of the type of puppet, they have no muscles or brains so they can't hurt you."

Eamon: "They do have brains and they're made of plastic inside wood."

Us: *SIGH*

Suddenly his near-nervous-breakdown during the field trip to the marionette theatre two years ago makes a lot more sense! ;)

~Head Injury Conversations~

After receiving yet another call about Eamon hitting his head during his afterschool program (2nd time in two weeks)...

Me: "You hit your head again? You have got to start paying more attention to your surroundings so you don't do that anymore!  I would really like your head to stay dent-free."

Eamon: *sigh* "Ok, I'll try."

Several minutes later, after arriving home...

Eamon: <jumping onto kitchen counter> "Ow, I hit my head..."

Saturday, May 19, 2012

~Dog Conversations~

As we were driving home from Ziggy's yearly vet visit...

Eamon:  "What's a heartworm and how does it get inside a dog anyway?"

Us:  <trying to explain it in 6 yr old terms and failing miserably>

Eamon:  "Well, I think it just crawls in through the dog's butt." 

Btw, Ziggy passed her heartworm test w/ flying colors so no worries! :)

~Cupcake Conversations~

As Rowan was preparing to make cupcakes for a late Mother's Day present...

Mark: "Ok, babe, what can I do to help?"

Rowan:  "Nothing.  Just keep me company and DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING!"

Eamon:  <creeping over to whisper to dad> "TOUCH EVERYTHIIIIIIIIIING!"

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

~Tea Time Conversations~

While drinking tea to help with his sore throat and cough

Eamon:  "Mmm, tea leaf juice is cool.  And tasty!  What flavor is this?"

Me:  "Chammomile-Honey-Vanilla."

Eamon:  "Cool.  What other flavors of tea do they have?"

Me:  "More like what flavors don't they have... Um, let's see fruit tea, Thai tea, Chai tea, black tea, caramel truffle, Early Grey... and a whole bunch more that I can't think of."

Eamon:  "Awesome!  But how do mashed up tea leaves make tea?"

Me:  *sigh* "We're going to be here for a while..."

~Sick Day Conversations~

After a sleepless night thanks to Eamon's croupy cough...


Eamon:  <with barely audible raspy throat>  "Mommy, I still don't feel good.  Can I lay down with you for a while?"


Eamon:  <literally bouncing from futon to ceiling to futon to floor and back>  "Mommy, let's go shopping!!!  I have money and I want to buy Lego Bionicles!!"


Trying to get out of the house for the Dr's appointment...

Me:  "Eamon, what is taking so long?  We're going to be late.  Please hurry!" 

Eamon:  <literally flowing like molasses on his belly down the stairs>  "I'm just so tired.  You know I didn't get much sleep last night." 

~Leprechaun Conversations~

From an assignment Eamon did for St. Patrick's Day at school...

How to Catch a Leprachan by Eamon Wood

Frist, I would make lazers you cant see. 

Then, I would make the lazers moove. 

Next, I would stele the gold. 

Last, I would make a fake pot of gold to make him thinck its real.

*sigh* Stealing from the horizontally-challenged?  Geez, what do they teach kids in schools these days? ;)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

~Blue Conversations~

For some reason, Eamon decided he wanted to watch an old Blue's Clues DVD this morning...

Steve (on TV show):  "I need to paint something the green but I don't have that color in my paint set.  I wonder what two colors I can mix together to make green..."

Eamon: [speaking to TV]  "Blue and yellow."

Steve (on TV show): "Do YOU know which colors I should use?"

Eamon:  [now yelling at TV] "BLUE AND YELLOW!  You should know this!"

Monday, May 7, 2012

~Surprise Conversations~

While trying to view my pre-recorded online lecture for class...

Eamon:  "Mommy, I have a surprise for you.  Don't turn around..."

Turning around anyway...

Eamon:  <pelts me with his dirty socks>  "Surprise!" 

Me:  "Well now you get to put your dishes in the sink AND mine.  Surprise!"

Eamon:  "Hey, no fair!" 

~College Conversations~

While discussing how long Rowan might be in college...

Eamon:  "You can go to college for four days or four years."

Me:  "It's more like four years, sweetie."

Eamon:  "No, some people don't have to go that long.  Like Martin Luther King skipped a grade.  I think he skipped college too."

Me:  "No, sweetie, he definitely went to college!  His title was Doctor Martin Luther King, which means that he went to college for a very long time to earn that."

Eamon:  "Whatever.  I just can't wait to be a mechanic so I can build pod racers.  Everything will be a dollar."

Me:  "That's very generous of you." 

Eamon:  "Yeah.  I just need to come up with a symbol for the new kind of racers I'm going to make."

Saturday, May 5, 2012

~Nasal Conversations~

While discussing joint popping...

Rowan:  "I can even pop my nose!  *pop*  Which is kind of weird since there are no bones in there..."

Eamon:  "Cool!  Yeah, my nose is made of carnage, not bones."

Me:  "What?!"

Eamon:  "My nose is made of CARNAGE."

Me & Rowan:  <BWAHAHAHA!> 

Me:  "Cartilage, your nose is made of cartilage."

Eamon:  "Ohhhh!"

Thursday, May 3, 2012

~Snowman Conversations~

While looking through Eamon's school stuff after picking him up...

Me:  "Nice snowman picture, buddy.  Hey, why is there an arrow drawn through his midsection..."


Me:  "Umm, and in this other picture you drew, the guy has X's over his eyes..."


Me:  "Dude, seriously!  What's up with these?"

Eamon:  "I like drawing dead people.  The one with X's on his eyes died of old age.  Besides, they're just snowmen and you can do anything you want to snow men."

I guess you can't argue with that logic. ;)

Mark assures me that it's quite normal for little boys to draw dead things.  Hmmm....

~Insurance Conversations~

After watching an ad for the Gerber Growup life insurance plan...

Eamon:  "100,000 dollars?! I want a 100,000 dollars!! If I had a 100,000 dollars, I could probably buy... what's that ship called mommy?"

Me:  "The Millenium Falcon?"

Eamon:  "Yeah!  I would buy the Millenium Falcon!  And you know what's cool about that?  It comes with Lego Chewbacca and you have to built him!"

Me:  "Ahh, so you're referring to the Lego Millenimum Falcon that you would buy with your $100,000!"