Thursday, May 3, 2012

~Snowman Conversations~

While looking through Eamon's school stuff after picking him up...

Me:  "Nice snowman picture, buddy.  Hey, why is there an arrow drawn through his midsection..."


Me:  "Umm, and in this other picture you drew, the guy has X's over his eyes..."


Me:  "Dude, seriously!  What's up with these?"

Eamon:  "I like drawing dead people.  The one with X's on his eyes died of old age.  Besides, they're just snowmen and you can do anything you want to snow men."

I guess you can't argue with that logic. ;)

Mark assures me that it's quite normal for little boys to draw dead things.  Hmmm....

1 comment:

  1. Anytime this issue comes up in our household - and it does come up fairly often - I am reminded of the time when I was at summer day camp and we had to do that stupid assignment where you draw something and then trade pictures w/ your neighbor and they draw something to go along w/ your picture. So I drew what, in my 8 yr old mind, was a beautiful unicorn, w/ a color-coordinating saddler/bridle combo, and traded pictures w/ my neighbor, a stinky little boy who had drawn a knife. Being the daughter of an amateur gun & knife collector, I thought I had some experience w/ weaponry so I drew what, again to my 8 yr old mind, was a very nice sheath to go along w/ his knife. When we traded pictures back, he was completely unappreciative of the sheath and then I discovered, to my absolute horror, that he drawn my unicorn, w/ the color-coordinating bridle/saddle combo, being blown up!!!! Needless to say, I'm still traumatized by that event a quarter of a century later... But my point is that I guess it is normal for stinky little boys to draw things being blown up, shot by arrows, etc.?
