Tuesday, July 7, 2015

~Shouldered Conversations~

After attempting to use Eamon as a pillow during a sleep-inducing $2 kids' movie...

Me:  "Eamon, you make a terrible pillow!  I'm going to need you to grow some broader shoulders soon.  And get taller so I don't have to lean over as far."

Eamon:  "I'm not going to have broad shoulders.  But I will get taller."

Me:  "Wait, why don't you think your shoulders are going to get any broader?"

Eamon:  "Well, my head's going to be really big and I don't want my shoulders to bump my head so my shoulders need to stay like they are now."

Me:  "You're so weird."

So apparently this is Eamon's ideal head-to-body ratio...

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