Monday, June 8, 2015

~Itchy & Scratchy Conversations~

First thing this morning on our first day of summer...

Eamon:  <in his best sad/pathetic voice>  "Ever since I woke up, my throat's been kind of hurting."

Me:  "Aww, that's too bad, buddy.  Hopefully you'll feel better soon."

Eamon:  "Maybe... <suddenly brightening>  Is there medicine?!"

Me:  "You've had a scratchy throat for 5 seconds and you think you need medicine?  No!"

An hour later...

Eamon:  <hopefully>  "I know you wanted me and Rowan to do dishes but since I'm sick, maybe I shouldn't have to do the..."

Me:  "A slightly itchy throat will not get you out of doing dishes!"

Another hour later...

Me:  "So I know you'd been wanting to use your birthday money to do the zipline at the Zoo.  The time slots they have available today would be perfect but if your throat is still hurting..."


I think it's safe to say that he rallied! ;)

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