Tuesday, May 6, 2014

~Pressured Conversations~

While explaining to Eamon about the pressure bandage on my arm after giving blood today...

Me:  "And that's why if someone has a wound that's bleeding, you apply pressure to it, to help stop the bleeding."

Eamon:  "Well, that would have been helpful to know when I was little!"

Me:  "Oh?  Because now that you're so much older, you'll never get hurt again?"

Eamon:  <thoughtfully>  "I still might will.  Because I do keep hurting myself.  And that one time with Tristan's bloody lip..."

Me:  "What are you talking about?"

Eamon:  "You know, when we were in the three's class and Tristan's lip was bleeding?"

Me:  <sarcastically>  "Oh, yeah, that time, of course!  Yes, you could have applied pressure to Tristan's face and I'm sure that would have made everything better."

Hmm, knowing Eamon and his buddy Tristan, it was probably the application of sudden pressure to the face that made Tristan bleed in the first place!  ;) 

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