Friday, May 9, 2014

~Bitty Conversations~

And now for a short break from our regularly-scheduled conversation, here's a conversation between me and one of our special library helpers today...

Helper:  <excitedly> "Ms. Brown, guess what I'm using!"

Me:  "What?"

Helper:  "A fitbit*!  I'm going to bring it up on your computer."

Me:  <looking at the info on the website in front of me>  "Honey, this website says that you weigh 10 lbs."

Helper:  <scoffing> "Well, I don't know how much I weigh, Ms. Brown!"

Me:  "Well, you definitely weigh more than 10 lbs."

Helper:  <indignantly>  "It was just a guess, Ms. Brown!"

Me:  "I know, honey, but you're a teenager so you definitely weigh more than 10 lbs.  You're at least 100 lbs but probably more... <realizing I'm getting nowhere>  Hey!  Whey don't you stop by the nurse's office and use her scale and then you can put the right amount down?"

Helper:  "Nah."

Me:  "Are you sure because I think she could..."

Helper:  "I don't want to."

Me:  "Oh, well, ok..."

Helper:  <types in 100 lbs for weight>

Me:  "Ok, sweetie, have a good day!"

*A fitbit is an electronic bracelet that is a pedometer/activity monitor which sends your data to a website to help you track your activity/calorie burning, etc. 

Btw, this kid is the perfect weight for his age/height and doesn't need a fitbit - I think he may have usurped his mom's Mother's Day present! - but he loves anything to do with technology and it just cracked me up that he thought 10 lbs was a good estimate for his teenage boy weight.  :) 

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