Monday, November 18, 2013

~Crazed Conversations~

Not your regularly scheduled Eamon conversation!  This is while my co-worker was trying to put her finger on a certain incident that happened recently in the library...

Co-worker:  <laughing> "What was it that kid called you?"

Me:  "Um, racist?"

Co-worker:  <still laughing>  "No, not the girl.  The boy.  What did he call you?"

Me:  "Oh, ignorant!"

Co-worker:  <laughing harder>  "No!  The other one!  He said you were... something?"

Me:  "You mean the one that kept calling me 'officer' like it was an insult?"

Co-worker:  <getting exasperated>  "No!  The one last week that said you were... ?"

Me:  "Oh!  The kid that said I was 'trippin.'!"

Co-worker:  <excitedly>  "Yes!  That's it!  'You're 'trippin,' Ms. Brown'!"  <laughing again

Me:  "Yes, I am quite often tripping... over things." ;)   

Note:  My co-worker was only laughing so hard at this because she has been called MUCH worse during her 20+ years of teaching.  Trippin,' racist, officer, and ignorant aren't even on the insult radar for teachers!    

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