Tuesday, November 19, 2013

~Treed Conversations~

After a "traumatic" dodge ball incident at after-school care today in which Eamon got tagged out in the first round and then picked up by me before he had the chance to redeem himself...

Eamon:  <sobbing>

ME:  "Dude, it happens.  You'll get to play again tomorrow and I'm sure you'll tag plenty of people out. No worries."

Eamon:  <SOBBING!>

Me:  <sigh>  "Ok, whatever.  Look, when we get home, I need you to let the dogs out and then... just hang out with them until you're over this and ready to come back inside."

A few minutes after arriving home...

Ziggy (one of our dogs):  <emphatically glaring at me through the back door> "Rowr, rowr, roooowrrrr, ROWRRR!  Rowr, rowr, roooowrrrr, ROWRRR!"  [I should mention that Ziggy does this rumbly growly grumble thing at us that, today, roughly translated to:  'Come collect your noisome whingeing offspring because he is disturbing our peaceful sanctuary.']

Me:  <looking through the back door window and noticing Eamon hanging upside down out of his favorite tree, while still wailing like a banshee, causing me to go investigate>  "Really?!  You're still crying over this?  Quit it!  Ohmygod, you're upsetting the dogs!  Seriously, Ziggy just ran away to hide in the dog house and Max won't come out either!"  <starting to laugh hysterically over the absurdity of the whole thing>

Eamon:  <also starting to laugh hysterically but trying desperately to turn it back into wailing>

Ziggy:  <from the safety of the dog house>  "Rowr, ROWRRR, rowr, roooowrrrr!  Rowr, rowwwwr, roooowrrrr, ROWRRR!"  [Roughly translated to:  'How am I supposed to do my business when he's monopolizing the tree?!']

Me:  "You have three seconds to get it together or I'm going to eat all the brownies AND you won't get to watch 'Wild Kratts' on PBS."

Eamon:  <sniffing valiantly while running inside>  "I'm fine now."

Me:  "Yeah, I thought so..."  

Ahh, parenting at its finest. ;)

our "talkative" puppy, Ziggy

our "scaredy cat," Max

and our "traumatized" little boy...

Monday, November 18, 2013

~Crazed Conversations~

Not your regularly scheduled Eamon conversation!  This is while my co-worker was trying to put her finger on a certain incident that happened recently in the library...

Co-worker:  <laughing> "What was it that kid called you?"

Me:  "Um, racist?"

Co-worker:  <still laughing>  "No, not the girl.  The boy.  What did he call you?"

Me:  "Oh, ignorant!"

Co-worker:  <laughing harder>  "No!  The other one!  He said you were... something?"

Me:  "You mean the one that kept calling me 'officer' like it was an insult?"

Co-worker:  <getting exasperated>  "No!  The one last week that said you were... ?"

Me:  "Oh!  The kid that said I was 'trippin.'!"

Co-worker:  <excitedly>  "Yes!  That's it!  'You're 'trippin,' Ms. Brown'!"  <laughing again

Me:  "Yes, I am quite often tripping... over things." ;)   

Note:  My co-worker was only laughing so hard at this because she has been called MUCH worse during her 20+ years of teaching.  Trippin,' racist, officer, and ignorant aren't even on the insult radar for teachers!    

Saturday, November 9, 2013

~Booked Conversations~

Heard 'round the breakfast table this morning...

Eamon:  "Where there are books, there is mommy!"

I was so touched by his observation, I don't even remember what preceeded it! Of course my place at the table IS surrounded by piles of books so... ;)  

Heard shortly AFTER breakfast...

Eamon:  "When's lunch?"

Me:  "Dude, it's 8:58 A.M."

Eamon:  "Oh."


Eamon:  "Is it time for lunch now?"

Me:  "It's 9:02 AM!"  

Eamon:  "So it's only been four minutes?  It seems like it's been a lot longer."  

Both of us:  *sigh* 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

~Nutty Conversations~

This morning...

Eamon:  "Hey, do you know how they get the m&m's in the yellow bags to taste nutty?"

Me:  <deciding to go with the obvious>  "I don't know, because they put peanuts in them?"

Eamon:  "Yep, that's how they do it."

Me:  <cracking up>

Eamon:  "What?  What's so funny?"

Me:  "I thought you were going to tell me a joke or something I didn't expect.  Of course the m&m's in the yellow bags taste nutty because they put peanuts in them.  They're called peanut m&m's for a reason."

Eamon:  "Ohhh...."

Friday, November 1, 2013

~Sweet Conversations~

On Halloween...

Me:  "Hey, this flier says that your dentist's office is having a candy swap tomorrow night!  You take your unopened candy in and they'll pay a dollar a pound for it, max up to five pounds.  What do you think?"  

Eamon:  <thoughtfully> "Really?  Well, I have been wanting to save up to buy an R2-D2 robot..."

Me:  "You realize you woudn't get a whole lot of money for this, right?  The most you'll get is $5."

Eamon:  "What?  But if you get a dollar a piece then..."  

Me:  "No!  You get a dollar per POUND of candy.  It takes a lot of candy to make a pound but you could make some money off of this and still have some candy to..."

Eamon:  <open-mouthed horrified expression>    

Me:  "Uhh, I take it you don't want to do this..."

Eamon:  <open-mouthed horrified expression>    

Me:  "Okay, then nevermind."