Saturday, September 21, 2013

~Willowy Conversations~

While watching the end of the old movie "Willow" with Eamon...

At the part where Airk dumps boiling oil on the bad soldiers - 

Eamon:  "Why are they screaming about having water dumped on them?"

Me:  "It's not water, it's boiling oil."

Eamon:  "Well, they shouldn't have left their boiling oil there anyway."

Me:  "No, that wasn't a kitchen accident.  During sieges, the castle guards would pour boiling oil, pitch, things like that on the attackers to keep them out.  He did that on purpose to stop the bad guys."

Eamon:  "Oh."

At the part where Bavmorda knocks over the potions & gets struck by lightning - 

Eamon:  "What's happening?"

Me:  "She knocked the potions onto herself so the evil spell that was meant for the baby actually worked on her instead."

Eamon:  "Well, at least she knows now that the spell works."

At the part where Willow finally makes it home and sees his family again - 

Eamon:  "Who's that?"

Me:  "That's his wife Kiaya and their kids."

Eamon:  "What?! I didn't think he was full grown to have a family."

Well, I guess that's going to be a whole different conversation... ;)  

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