Tuesday, September 10, 2013

~Ethical Conversations~

While discussing Eamon's new plans to add another dog breed to the menagerie of pets he's planning to have when he's an adult...

Eamon:  "Water dogs are awesome!  Even though you have to exercise them for at least an hour a day and groom them three times a week.  I already have a schedule worked out.  Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!"

Me:  <wanting to tease him about the schedule>  "Wednesdays, huh?  Well, that won't work because you have Tae Kwon Do every Wednesday."

Eamon:  <not totally realizing that his adult schedule might be a little different than it is now> "Well, maybe I'll be a blackbelt by then."

Me:  "Well, even if you're a blackbelt, you still have to practice."

Eamon:  "Uhh, am I missing something?"

Me:  "What do you mean?"

Eamon:  "If I'm a blackbelt, I won't have to do it anymore."

Thus leading to a discussion about our education never really being over because there's always something we can learn, no matter what profession were' in...

Eamon:  "Well, when I'm a scientist and invent my Cat-Ci ray, I won't need to learn anything else."

Me:  "Your what?!"

Eamon:  "Cat-Ci.  You know, half cat, half cacti.  I'll shoot a cat and a cactus with my ray and make a Cat-Ci."  

Me:  "What?!  What about the poor cat that gets turned into a cactus?!"

Eamon:  "It will still be alive."

Me:  "But it won't be able to move.  I don't think that'd be a very happy life for it."

Eamon:  "Hmm, never thought of that.  Ok, I'll shoot a cat and a cactus with my ray and turn it into a Cat-Ci and then I'll just take a few seeds and turn them both back and then plant the Cat-Ci seeds to grow more.  That way, the cat will be fine, just missing a little hair."

I don't know if I should be impressed with his logic or disturbed by it... ;)

Update after showing him the picture I posted above.

Eamon:  "Oh, man!"

Me:  "What?"

Eamon:  <looking disappointed>  "Someone already did it."

Me:  <laughing>  "No!  No one stole your idea of using a ray gun to cross a cat and a cactus.  That picture was done in photoshop."

Eamon:  <brightening>  "Oh!  Anyway, mine will look different than that."  

For the past few years he's been attending an after school science program called "Mad Science" and I'm starting to think that they need to focus less on the "Mad" part of the program... ;) 

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