Saturday, August 31, 2013

~Familial Conversations~

While discussing Eamon's class project and his classmates' reactions to it...

Eamon:  "Everyone thought that picture of us in Texas with Tristan and his mom and brother was a family picture!"

Me:  <laughing> "What did they mean?  Like that Miss Chevon and I were married and you all were our kids or that we were sisters and you and Tristan were cousins...?"  

Eamon:  <shrugs> "I dunno'.  They just thought we were family, like maybe Tristan was my brother."

Me:  "Well, there are all types of families so we could be family, like instead of being Miss Chevon, she could be your Crazy Aunt Chevon!"  (Because you have to be at least a little crazy to be in our family!;)

Eamon:  <pensively> "Yeah, she is a little crazy.  She doesn't even like milk!"  

Leave it to my family to judge mental health by ones' feelings toward milk... ;)

~Weekend & Holiday Conversations~

While watching Saturday morning cartoons...

Eamon:  "So I'm going to grow up and be a scientist, you know, creator of the future and I'm going to be a pizza maker too."

Me:  "Uh-huh..."

Eamon:  "And I'm going to become the boss of the pizza thing so I'm going to do the pizza making on the week and the scientst thing on the weekend and holidays."

Me:  "So what made you decide all this right now?"

Eamon:  "I didn't.  I was always going to be a pizza maker and scientist."

Me:  "No, what made you decide that you'd be a pizza maker during the week and a scientist on weekends and holidays."

Eamon:  <shrugs>  "I don't know."

Thursday, August 22, 2013

~Homework Conversations~

While walking Eamon out of school today...

Me:  "Do you have any homework today?"

Eamon:  "Nope, no homework again today!"

Me:  <in a mock serious voice>  "What!?  I'm going to have to talk to your teacher.  You need homework - lots of it!  Especially over the weekend..."

Eamon:  "Hey!"

Me:  "What?  You're the one that said you want to be really smart when you grow up.  You're going to need lots of homework to get there."

Eamon:  "Well, I am going to be really smart.  And I do love science."

Me:  "Oh, good!  Because Ms. Carroll* and I have decided you're going to be a doctor when you grow up, preferably a surgeon, so you will need to study a lot of science."

Eamon:  "I don't want to be a doctor.  I want to be a scientist."

Me:  "What kind of scientist? Because you could be a doctor and a scientists."

Eamon:  "Remember? I'm going to be the inventor of the future!  I'm going to invent stuff like cars that you can hold in your hand and then when you push a button, they're going to turn regular size."

Me:  "Awesome.  Sounds like it will pay well."

*Ms. Carroll is my co-librarian and she has already decided that Eamon will be a surgeon - and marry the scarily-intelligent 7 year old daughter of one of our other co-workers... ;)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

~Kindle Conversations~

While attempting to set up my new Kindle, which I'd just received in the mail...

Eamon:  <slyly>  "So, does it have any games on...?"

Me:  "NO!  There are no games on this!  It's for reading books only!"

Eamon:  "Oh."

Me:  "I mean it!  Books, books, and more books!  If it's not a book, you can't even think about it!" 

Eamon:  <amused>  "Ok, mommy."

Me:  "And by the way, I got this pink case for the Kindle just so you and your dad wouldn't steal it."

Eamon:  <now looking at the case with interest>  "Nah, daddy'll still take it."

Darn it!  The kid is right! ;) 

Monday, August 19, 2013

~Dad Conversations~

While prepping for bedtime...

Eamon:  "Can you come downstairs with me?"

Mark:  "No, I'm busy.  You're fine; you don't need me to come with you."

Eamon:  "But I'm scared."

Mark:  "There's nothing to be scared of.  Just go."

Eamon:  "But if you come with me, I'll get to spend more time with you, Daddy!"

How sneaky is that?! ;)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

~Needled Conversations~

While discussing Rowan and Eamon's mutual distaste for shots...

Eamon:  "I hate getting shots.  I'm glad I don't have to get any more until I'm eleven."

Rowan:  "Yeah, I HATE needles!"

Mark:  "When I was in boot camp, they gave us multiple shots all at once but not with a regular needle.  I think it had a small needle but it was kind of like a gun too.  See the scar here?  It hurt.  And bled all over the place."

Eamon:  <looking distressed>  "Well, guess where I'm not going when I grow up."

Me:  "Where?"

Eamon:  "Boot camp!"

Friday, August 16, 2013

~Questionable Conversations~

Before bedtime...

Eamon:  "I'm glad watermelon doesn't have any sugar in it."

Me:  "No, watermelon does have sugar in it."

Eamon:  "It does? But I thought it was healthy."

Me:  "It is healthy for you because it has a natural kind of sugar found in lots of fruit.  It's definitely better for you than the white sugar that gets added to a lot of other stuff."

Eamon:  "What about milk?  Does that have sugar in it?"

Me:  "Well, lots of foods have natural sugars in them and that's ok but it's foods that have added artificial sugar that we have to watch out for.  Milk is ok though."

Eamon:  "Ok.  Sorry I'm asking lots of questions.  I just want to be really smart when I grow up." 

And then my heart melted.... (;

Thursday, August 15, 2013

~Dreamy Conversations~

After Eamon crawled into bed with me because he had bad dreams...

Eamon:  <sniffling>  "I had THREE nightmares!"

Me:  "Do you want to talk about them?"

Eamon:  "No, they're too horrible."

Me:  "Ok.  You know I had a bad dream this morning too."

Eamon:  "About what?"

Me:  "I had to pay this bill for a campsite that I hadn't really used and I didn't think it was fair."

Eamon:  "Why are kid nightmares so much worse than grownup nightmares?"

He has no idea... ;)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

~Invisible Conversations~

While leaving Dollar Tree because I was unable to find Eamon's school supply list which I KNOW I put in my purse! 

Eamon:  "Maybe someone stole it."

Me:  "You think someone stole your school supply list without me noticing?"

Eamon:  "Well, maybe an invisible person..."

Me:  "So an invisible person stole your school supply list out of my purse?"

Eamon:  "It could happen."

At least we gave the two teenage boys walking out of Dollar Tree at the same time a really good laugh! ;) 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

~Ticklish Conversations~

While watching Saturday morning cartoons...

Eamon:  "You know... I haven't had a good tickle lately."

Mark:  "I'm reading right now.  I'll tickle you later, when you're not expecting it."

Five seconds later...

Eamon:  "Ok, it's later and I'm not expecting it now."

I'm not sure he understands how this works... ;)