Thursday, August 22, 2013

~Homework Conversations~

While walking Eamon out of school today...

Me:  "Do you have any homework today?"

Eamon:  "Nope, no homework again today!"

Me:  <in a mock serious voice>  "What!?  I'm going to have to talk to your teacher.  You need homework - lots of it!  Especially over the weekend..."

Eamon:  "Hey!"

Me:  "What?  You're the one that said you want to be really smart when you grow up.  You're going to need lots of homework to get there."

Eamon:  "Well, I am going to be really smart.  And I do love science."

Me:  "Oh, good!  Because Ms. Carroll* and I have decided you're going to be a doctor when you grow up, preferably a surgeon, so you will need to study a lot of science."

Eamon:  "I don't want to be a doctor.  I want to be a scientist."

Me:  "What kind of scientist? Because you could be a doctor and a scientists."

Eamon:  "Remember? I'm going to be the inventor of the future!  I'm going to invent stuff like cars that you can hold in your hand and then when you push a button, they're going to turn regular size."

Me:  "Awesome.  Sounds like it will pay well."

*Ms. Carroll is my co-librarian and she has already decided that Eamon will be a surgeon - and marry the scarily-intelligent 7 year old daughter of one of our other co-workers... ;)

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