Sunday, June 2, 2013

~Random Conversations~

Here are a few non-Eamon conversations I've had in the past few days that were kind of amusing...

At school...

Random Student:  "Hi, I need a computer?"

Me:  "Ok, I need your pass."

RS:  <smiling and shaking his head at me as if I'm confused>  "Oh, no.  See, I'm a Senior."

Me:  "You still need a pass to come in to the library."

RS:  <bewildered>  "But I'm a senior.  I'm done with classes."

Me:  "If you're all done with classes, then you should leave campus."

RS:  <starting to get desperate> "But I'm still enrolled here!"

Me:  <speaking slowly so he can understand the confusing words coming out of my mouth> "If you're still enrolled, then you still need a pass to come into the library during class time."

RS:  <blinking confusedly at me b/c I am immune to his Senior-ness>

Me:  "Sweetie, go to whatever class you're supposed to be in right now and ask your teacher for a pass and then you can come back in to use the computer."

RS:  <dejectedly>  "Oh. Ok."

He did come back with a pass but he brought another Senior with him and that kid was lacking a library pass so I had practically the same conversation all over again!  Augh!  These kids... ;)   

At home...

Me:  "Mark, have you put in your contacts yet today?"

Mark:  <suspiciously> "Yes.  Why?"

Me:  "You didn't open the new contact solution bottle."

Mark:  "I didn't need any contact solution."

Me:  "What?!  Why not?!"

Mark:  "Because I had enough in the contact lens case.  Why does it matter?"

Me:  <going into full whine mode>  "Because you NEVER open the contact solution bottle.  EVER!  You always leave it for me to do!"

Mark:  "That's not true.  I've opened it plenty of times."

Me:  "Fine.  If you've opened it plenty of times then you won't mind doing it now."

Mark:  "You really want me to open it?"

Me:  "Yes!"

Mark:  "Fine.  <gets the bottle; struggles with the bottle>  Geez, this is hard to do.  I see why don't like doing it..."

Me:  "I KNEW IT!!  I KNEW YOU'VE NEVER OPENED IT BEFORE!  Because if you had, you'd have known what a pain in the butt it is to open that stupid bottle!"

Mark:  <grins sheepishly at me>

All I can is it's a good thing for him that he's cute... ;)

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