Monday, March 4, 2013

~School Conversations~

<I'm a little late on this one from last week!>

While asking about Eamon's day at school...

Me:  "Just tell me one cool thing that happened.  Or one bad thing.  Or one anything!"

Eamon:  "I can't remember anything."

Me:  "Ok,  what did you have for lunch?

Eamon:  "Sandwich, pretzels, peppers, yogurt, and juice box!"

Me:  "Of course you would remember that... which you have every day!  Ok, what did you best friend have for lunch?!"  <thinking I'd gotten him>

Eamon:  "Cheese sandwich, chocolate milk, and chips."

Me:  "Seriously, dude?  That's what's on your mind all day?"

Eamon:  "I get hungry."

If he's like this at 7, I can't even imagine our grocery bill when he's 17...

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