Wednesday, June 13, 2012

~Zombie Conversations~

While playing with a long thin bendy-toy at my office...

Eamon:  "Look at what I made!  Glasses!  <perches them on nose, flutters eyelids, and sticks out tongue>  And now I'm a zombie wearing glasses." 

Me:  <teasing>  "A zombie with glasses?  Why would a zombie be wearing glasses?"

Eamon:  <suddenly serious>  "Zombies can wear glasses too, Mommy.  Some zombies need glasses to see, you know."

Me:  "Oh, right.  I didn't realize... Wait a minute!"

His little "zombies-are-people-too" lecture actually made feel guilty for my marginalization of the optically-impaired zombie population until I remembered that there is no zombie population, optically-impaired or otherwise!  At least I hope there isn't... ;)

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