Monday, June 11, 2012

~An Assortment of Eamonisms~

While cleaning out a closet today, I found an old baby-block-shaped bank...

Eamon:  "Ooh, that's cool looking!

Me:  <nostalgically>  "That was mine when I was a baby."

Eamon:  <smiles angelically>  "Can I have it, Mommy?" 

Me:  <feeling proud to pass on an heirloom>  "Well, sure, sweetie!"

Eamon:  <fiddling with the bank>  "The bottom of this bank is weird.  How do you even open it?"

Me:  "Oh, let's see if I remember the trick... Oh, there it goes!  See, that's how you open it."

Eamon:  <dumps out coins into his hand, gives me old bank>  "Thanks!"

Me:  "What are you doing?"

Eamon:  "Putting this money in my Spiderman bank.  You can keep the old one." 

And that's how my seven year old conned me out of my childhood life savings!  And he's been ensuring that I have no adult life savings ever since he was born... ;)

While Eamon's school friend was over today...

Eamon:  <opening the door to the bathroom>  "Why is this door knob sticky?"

Random Friend:  "Oh, that's just the peanut butter from earlier."

Eamon:  "Oh, ok."


While trying to help Eamon come up with today's topic for his daily summer journal entry - and coming up with  four sentences always ends up being way more difficult than you would think!

Me:  "Honey, you can write about anything!  Just write about something you did today or something that interests you.  What interests you?"

Eamon:  <lightbulb goes on>  "Eating!"

Me:  "Um, ok, sure.  I guess you can write about eating..."

So we ended up with this...

"Today I ate crackers.  I also ate strawberries.  My friend ate peanut butter crackers.  He also ate strawberries."

We've been at this for a week and the kid has already figured out how to work the system! :P

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