Monday, April 9, 2012

~My Little Pony Conversations~

Eamon: "Mommy, do you know what a cutie mark is?"

Me: "Um, like on My Little Ponies?"

Eamon: "Yeah! Well, I should have a cutie mark of tap shoes!" <wildly and without rhythm, beats his feet against the floor>

Me: "You want a tattoo of tap shoes on your butt?"

Eamon: "No!  A cutie mark!"

Me: "Did Rowan show you a lot of My Little Pony videos on the internet today?"

Eamon: "Yep!" <Goes on to describe about two seasons worth of My Little Pony shows in 10 minutes>

Me: "Um, right. So back to the tap dancing. Do you like doing that? Do you want to take some dance lessons?"

Eamon: <with disgust> "No! Dance lessons are for girls!"

Me: *sigh* "Right..."


  1. Actually, I did explain that both boys and girls can take (and enjoy!) dance lessons but he wasn't having it. ;)

  2. I never knew that was called a cutie mark.
