Wednesday, April 25, 2012

~Church Conversations~

While driving to swim lessons...

Eamon:  "Hey, mommy, see that place they're building over there?  What's it going to be?"

Me:  "I don't know.  Maybe a store?  Because we definitely don't have enough places to spend our money as it is..."

Eamon:  "I just hope it's not another church!"

Me: "Okayyy...?"

Eamon:  "They just keep building and building them and there are already too much!  There is much more churches here than anywhere else!"

Hmm, I had no idea my 6 yr old was such an expert on the number of religious establishments in each city.  ;)  Just for a little background though, he was slightly traumatized by the recent removal of a large amount of trees at our nearby park in order to make way for a church.      

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