Saturday, March 31, 2012

~Driving Conversations~

Eamon: "Are we almost there?"

Me: "We should be there in about ten minutes."

Eamon: "Ok, I'll count the seconds... to myself." <I've finally trained him not to do it out loud!>

Me: "That's fine but you know that means counting 600 seconds."

Eamon: "What?! That'll take too long. I'm just going to count to a million instead."

Me: "Uhh, you know a million is bigger than 600 right?"

Eamon: "Yeah, but it will still take less time."

Me: "Ok, whatever."

Eamon: <no more than three minutes later> "Ok, I'm done counting to a million. How come we're still not there?!"

Me: "Are you sure you didn't count really fast? Or leave out numbers? Like a lot of numbers?"

Eamon: "No, I counted all the way to a million really slow like this: one... two... three..."

Me: "Ok, whatever."

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