Tuesday, June 13, 2017

~Marital Conversations~

After attending last night's vigil for the victims of last year's Pulse night club shooting, a discussion about marriage equality came up...

Me:  "...and that's why everyone should be allowed to marry the person they love."

Eamon:  "Yeah, and people can marry tortoises too if they want!"

Me:  "NO!  No, we are not having that discussion again!  Tortoises - and pigs - are not part of the marriage equality discussion.  We are talking about one consenting adult HUMAN marrying another consenting adult HUMAN.  Got it?"

Eamon:  <grinning sheepishly>  "Yeah.  But what did you mean that we're not having that discussion again?"  

Me:  "Because we had this same discussion several years ago and you argued passionately in favor of people marrying pigs if they wanted to because pigs are really smart."

Eamon:  "I did?"

Me:  "Yes, I even wrote a blog post about it."

Eamon:  "Of course you did.  

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