Monday, April 25, 2016

~Milked Conversations~

After an intense vacation planning marathon, during which time I really should have been doing homework...

Me:  <excitedly>  "Ok, Eamon, I think that does it!  I think I've got all the travel reservations made finally!"

Eamon:  "Really?"

Me:  "Yep, the last hostel's been booked, the bus ride, the car rental... I think we're good to go!"

Eamon:  "Cool!  I'm starting to get really excited now!"

Me:  "Yeah?  Awesome!  What part are you looking forward to most?"

Eamon:  <thinking>  "Ummm... the ice cream."

Me:  <coming down quickly from my travel-planning buzz>  "What?!  Not the castles, the ferry ride, the natural rock formations... Still, just the ice cream!?"

Eamon:  "Well, I've never had Irish ice cream before."

Me:  "You've never had Irish anything before."

Eamon:  "But still, I bet it will taste different."    

All I know is, for what we're paying to get to Ireland, to apparently do nothing but eat ice cream, that cow better milk itself, churn the ice cream, AND bring it out to us in a Waterford crystal dish!  ;)

Sunday, April 17, 2016

~Fasted Conversations~

After eating a late breakfast yesterday morning...

Me:  "You need to get off the computer now and do some chores."

Eamon:  "Ok.  What time is it?"

Me:  "10:30."

Eamon:  <matter-of-factly> "Ok.  I'll eat lunch in 30 minutes."

Me:  "What?!  You JUST had breakfast 30 minutes ago!"

Eamon:  <plaintively>  "But I gotta' eat."

Me:  "Every hour?"

Eamon:  "Yeah."

We are going to be in so much trouble when this kid hits puberty full-on! ;) 

~Rivaled Conversations~

This conversation is actually from April 17, 2011.  Thanks for the memories, Facebook! ;) 

Today's Car Conversation w/ (5 yr old) Eamon:
Eamon: "I don't like 'dat 'da car in front of us likes Clemson. 'Cuz we like CVS."
Me: "You mean USC?"
Eamon: "Oh yeah."

CVS, USC, same difference, right?  
I mean, up until last year, Eamon thought that 
USC stood for United States of Columbia. ;) 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

~Territorial Conversations~

One sunny afternoon in the backyard...

Eamon:  <giggling like he was up to something>

Me:  "Ok, what are you up to?"

Eamon:  <still giggling>  "I peed in the yard!"

Me:  <somewhat surprised but unsure why this was news>  "Ok, and ...?"

Eamon:  "I don't think Ziggy likes it when  I do that!  She goes to the exact same spot right and pees where I do!"

Me:  <watching as Ziggy does exactly that>  "Huh, that's interesting.  Well, we don't want to drive her crazy so don't..."

Eamon:  <giggling>  "I'm going to do it again!"

Let's just hope Mark doesn't get in on this too or else the poor dog really will lose it. ;) 

Poor traumatized Ziggy! ;)