Wednesday, June 24, 2015

~Flying Conversations~

After a rogue fly was terrorizing me in the kitchen as we were heating up a leftover soufflĂ© (for which Eamon had found the recipe)...

Me:  "Eamon, that fly is driving me crazy - kill it for me!"

Eamon:  "I cannot be distracted by flies when I'm eating soufflĂ©."  

Me:  "Wait, what?!"

Eamon:  "That's man logic."

*sigh*  Eamon's understanding of masculinity is interesting, to say the least.  But from now on, I think I'm going to have to forbid he and Mark from conversing... ;) 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

~Snacking Conversations~

After watching one too many infomercials...

Eamon:  "Those Snackeez cups are SO COOL!  I really want one."

Me:  "I'm not buying you one."

Eamon:  "I know... but can we just go to their website and look?"

Me:  "Fine."

Eamon:  <entranced>  "Look at all the colors!  If you order one, I could pay you back with my birthday money."

Me:  "Really?  Look, if you're sure you want to use your money, then why don't we just go to Bed, Bath, & Beyond and you can buy one there."

Eamon:  "YES!"

After making the pilgramage to Bed, Beth, & Beyond and making the poor sales lady dig through six boxes for the elusive green and orange Snackeez...

Me:  <feeling sure that the sales girl will stab us with a Snackeez straw if all that digging through boxes was for naught and we don't buy one>  "Buddy, they obviously don't have that color.  Do you think you could make do with one of the others?"

Eamon:  "Sure.  The blue and green is cool."

(Of course if he had chosen the blue and green cup at the first, there would have been no digging through boxes at all so I'm pretty sure the sales lady still wanted to impale us with a Snackeez)

Back in the car...

Eamon:  "This is SO cool!  Can you pass me the cooler for our picnic?  I'm going to start putting stuff in my Snackeez now..."

Me:  "No, it's dirty!  It has to be washed before you use it the first time."

Eamon:  "Oh, ok.  Yeah, it does say that here in the directions."

Me:  "There are directions for a cup with a straw?"

Eamon:  <excitedly>  "Yeah!  And good news:  it's dishwasher safe!  But only on the top shelf."

Me:  "Oh, well, that is important information.  Hey, that thing will come in handy for our road trip next week."

Eamon:  "I know!  That's what it's for!  So you don't have to use multiple cups and bowls!"

Me:  "Yes, well, using multiple containers in the car is a pain I guess..."

Eamon:  "You just have to make sure the bowl part is securely screwed in to the cup."

Me:  "Right."

Eamon:  "And it's BPA-free!"

Me:  "Well, that is good news."

So after calling Mark to inform him of the price of his Snackeez cup and the corresponding prices of related Snackeez items, we went home so that Eamon could put every conceivably edible item into his new "magic" cup.

The rare green-orange Snackeez...

~Loving Conversations~

While home on summer break...

Eamon:  "Mom, can I get on the computer when you're done?"

Me:  "No."

An hour later...

Eamon:  "So, can I get on the...?"

Me:  "No!  And turn the TV off too.  Go read or something."

Another hour later...

Eamon:  <trying to sneakily turn on the TV>

Me:  "No TV."

Eamon:  <sigh>  "So then can I get on the comp...?"

Me:  "Nope."

Later that afternoon...

Eamon:  "Do you think now that I could...?"

Me:  "Sure, let me sign you on to the computer right now."

Eamon:  <throws his arms around me excitedly>  "I love you."

Me:  "You just did that because I said you could use the computer, didn't you?"

Eamon:  <smiling innocently>  "I just like hugging."

Me:  "Uh-huh..."


Saturday, June 13, 2015

~Queenly Conversations~

To all of the young ladies out there, I just want to say:  "You're welcome."  Not only have I raised my son to beat you at a rousing, yet fair, game of chess, but he will do so while protecting your wine glass from errant insect sneak-attacks, all while nodding his head in time to the Beastie Boys.  Again, you're welcome.  ;)  

Monday, June 8, 2015

~Itchy & Scratchy Conversations~

First thing this morning on our first day of summer...

Eamon:  <in his best sad/pathetic voice>  "Ever since I woke up, my throat's been kind of hurting."

Me:  "Aww, that's too bad, buddy.  Hopefully you'll feel better soon."

Eamon:  "Maybe... <suddenly brightening>  Is there medicine?!"

Me:  "You've had a scratchy throat for 5 seconds and you think you need medicine?  No!"

An hour later...

Eamon:  <hopefully>  "I know you wanted me and Rowan to do dishes but since I'm sick, maybe I shouldn't have to do the..."

Me:  "A slightly itchy throat will not get you out of doing dishes!"

Another hour later...

Me:  "So I know you'd been wanting to use your birthday money to do the zipline at the Zoo.  The time slots they have available today would be perfect but if your throat is still hurting..."


I think it's safe to say that he rallied! ;)