Sunday, March 15, 2015

~Slightly Braking Conversations~

While at Sesquicentennial Park today with my "intrepid" mountain-biker...

Eamon:  <after a mini wipeout on the bike>  "Ow. Ow.  I'm hurt."

Me:  "Are you bleeding?"

Eamon:  <with great disappointment after thoroughly checking himself over>  "Um, no.  Wait!  I just pulled a splinter out and now there is some!"

Me:  "Where?"

Eamon:  <triumphantly>  "On my finger!  See"

Me:  <squinting>  "Dude, that's the tiniest drop of blood I've ever seen."

Eamon:  "But it is blood."

Me:  "Get back on your bike."

10 minutes later...

Eamon:  <after obsessively checking his injury>  "Wow, I can't believe my wound has already quit bleeding!"

Me:  "That really didn't even qualify as an actual wound."

And then at every slight incline and/or turn on the trail...

Eamon:  "This is a big hill...  Ok, I'm slightly braking!  SLIGHTLY BRAKING!"

"Slightly braking" was our catch phrase of the day. ;)

Oh, and did I mention that we got lost?  Somehow the lake, which should have always been on our left, ended up... somewhere else!  After fording a raging... trickle of water that was too big to jump across while carrying a nine year old's bike, I ended up muddy and with my own bloody finger wound - worse than Eamon's I might add!  Near the end of our very own 45 minute death march we came across a big sandy hill/trail and Eamon shocked me by telling me he was going to drag his bike up it and then ride down.  He dragged the bike - and himself - up much further than I'd anticipated and then came pelting down, yelling, "SLIGHTLY BRAKING!" the whole way.  I probably should have told him beforehand that brakes really don't work on sand and pinestraw... Oops!  It was a spectacular wipeout at the end but I counted it as a win since he didn't end up in the ravine below.  Plus, no broken bike parts - or broken boy parts for that matter!  #winning!

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