Friday, April 18, 2014

~Toothy Conversations~

Our usual pre-bedtime conversation...

Me:  "Did you brush your teeth?"

Eamon:  "Uh-huh."

Me:  "And floss?"

Eamon:  "Yep."

Me:  "Let me check.  Open up."
After nearly having to pry his mouth open to check...

Me:  "EAMON!"

Eamon:  <innocently> "What?"

Me:  "There is a CARROT stuck in your front teeth!  A WHOLE carrot!"

(Ok, it was more like a whole carrot sliver than a whole carrot but still!)

Eamon:  <uncomfortably silent at being caught in his badly executed tooth brushing & flossing

Me:  "If you brushed and flossed then why is there a CARROT stuck in your teeth?!"

Eamon:  "I don't know."

After being forced to brush and floss while under close surveillance...

Me:  "Good night, sweetie.  I love you.  <under my breath> Even though your teeth are going to rot out of your head."

Eamon:  "They will not!"

Me:  "Sure they will, unless you learn to start brushing and flossing properly.  But don't worry because then you can get some cool pointy metal teeth so you can look like a shark.  But you have to be at least 18 when you lose your teeth and get metal replacements so that I don't have to pay for them, ok?"

Eamon:  <resigned>  "Ok, fine."

Me:  "Sweet dreams!" 

Ok, so the carrot stuck in his teeth wasn't quite this big...
but close! ;) 


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