Wednesday, October 30, 2013

~Hallucinatory Conversations~

After eating dinner - the first time...

Eamon:  <excitedly> "I can't wait until it's time to eat again!"

Me:  "You just had dinner about an hour ago."

Eamon:  "I know!  But that curry was SO good!"

Me:  "I asked if you wanted seconds and you said you wanted to wait...!?"

Eamon:  "I know but it's going to taste SO good when I eat it again and watch Agents of Shield!"

Me:  "Okay..."

Eamon:  "Remember that episode of 'Avatar' when Sokka was hallucinating from drinking too much cactus juice?"

Me:  <wondering where this is going> "Yes...?"

Eamon:  "Well, I think I'm hallucinating."

Me:  "You're having food hallucinations?!  What is causing these food hallucinations?"

Eamon:  <joyously> "Just how much I like to eat.  I just can't stop thinking about it!"

So on the one hand, I'm no longer regretting spending $13 for a jar of 'authentic' curry since it made my kid actually like curry - even though his was mostly rice - but on the other, I'm totally dreading the teenage years and the hit my wallet is going to take in order to feed him if he's already eating two dinners and 'hallucinating' about food in between the two! ;) 

The curry sauce that turned my kid onto curry. 
And caused his food hallucinations? ;)

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