Wednesday, October 30, 2013

~Hallucinatory Conversations~

After eating dinner - the first time...

Eamon:  <excitedly> "I can't wait until it's time to eat again!"

Me:  "You just had dinner about an hour ago."

Eamon:  "I know!  But that curry was SO good!"

Me:  "I asked if you wanted seconds and you said you wanted to wait...!?"

Eamon:  "I know but it's going to taste SO good when I eat it again and watch Agents of Shield!"

Me:  "Okay..."

Eamon:  "Remember that episode of 'Avatar' when Sokka was hallucinating from drinking too much cactus juice?"

Me:  <wondering where this is going> "Yes...?"

Eamon:  "Well, I think I'm hallucinating."

Me:  "You're having food hallucinations?!  What is causing these food hallucinations?"

Eamon:  <joyously> "Just how much I like to eat.  I just can't stop thinking about it!"

So on the one hand, I'm no longer regretting spending $13 for a jar of 'authentic' curry since it made my kid actually like curry - even though his was mostly rice - but on the other, I'm totally dreading the teenage years and the hit my wallet is going to take in order to feed him if he's already eating two dinners and 'hallucinating' about food in between the two! ;) 

The curry sauce that turned my kid onto curry. 
And caused his food hallucinations? ;)

Monday, October 28, 2013

~Pokey Conversations~

While carving pumpkins this weekend...

Eamon:  "I like poking things."

Rowan:  <laughing>

Me:  "Okayyyy...?"

Eamon:  "I especially like poking pumpkins."

Me:  "So you like poking things other than pumpkins too?"

Eamon:  <matter of factly>  "Yeah, people."

Me:  "Of course you do..."

Friday, October 18, 2013

~Favorite Conversations~

While watching morning cartoons...

Eamon:  "My favorite part of the day is breakfast.  And lunch and dinner too.

Me:  <sarcastically> "What a surprise..."

Eamon:  "Unless the food is horrible."

Me:  "If the food is horrible, then what's your favorite part of the day?"

Eamon:  "Breakfast."

Me:  "What if the breakfast food is horrible?"

Eamon:  "It never is."

Hmm, I think it's time to start feeding this kid broccoli for breakfast... ;)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

~Relative Conversations~

After running to the public library and then on the way to the grocery store ...

Eamon:  "Are you sure it's still even open?"

Me:  "Oh, yeah.  It's definitely open."

Eamon:  "How do you know?"

Me:  "I know everything."

Eamon:  "Oh, yeah?  Well, what does E equal?"

Me:  "E equals M C squared."  (E = MC2)

Eamon:  "Wrong!  E = MC TWO squares!"

Me:  "No, the TWO you're referring to is the squared part.  E = MC2."

Eamon:  "Oh."

Me:  "So how do you even know about E and what it equals?"

Eamon:  "Math."

Me:  "No way you're studying Einstein's theory of relativity in third grade math!?"

Eamon:  "Well, in ALERT [i.e. honors]."

Me:  "Oh, honors 3rd grade math.  Well, that totally makes sense then."

Eamon:  "Yeah, and we're learning about inventions too!  I think the ones from the old days are the best."

Me:  "Yeah, which ones are those?"

Eamon:  "You know, the ones from the old days.  When they lived in huts with thatched roofs."

Me:  "Um, ok... Can you give me an example?"

Eamon:  "Well, you know, like the steam cannon?  That's awesome!"

Me:  "Yes, projectiles are awesome... But let's not forget about the awesome inventions of our time like computers..."

My little mad scientist... ;) 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

~Special Conversations~

Ok, this is not an Eamon conversation but it's just as funny!  This took place at our library during story time with our special needs students.  

Co-Librarian:  "Ok, now this book is about a spider and a fly.  Now I know you all know what happens with spiders and flies but don't be one of those people who shouts out the ending..."

Girl:  <shouting with excitement> "The old lady! That's what happens with the spider and the fly!  The old lady!"

Co-Librarian:  <laughing hysterically>  "Honey, didn't I say not to shout out the ending?  But it's OK because that's a different story than the one I'm about to rea..."

Boy:  <pointing at both of us purposefully>  "I see TWO old ladies."

Teacher:  <whpeisring fervently>  "That is a very rude thing to say!  Do not call the librarians old ladies!"

It's actually kind of a miracle that we got through story time because my co-librarian and I were laughing so hard!  ;)