Sunday, July 7, 2013

~Conversation with Ziggy~

Today's conversation was with Ziggy, our 5 yr old melodramatic Husky mix...

Me:  "Ziggy!  Want a treat? Come here!"

Ziggy:  <ambles over looking slightly interested>

Me:  "Ok, shake!  <I reach out my hand toward her> Come on, Ziggy, SHAKE!"

Ziggy:  <looks at me apathetically and remains motionless>

Me:  "Ziggy!  You know how to do this!  Come on, shake!"

Ziggy:  <slowly puts out her front paw and then promptly falls over as if she can't possibly balance on just 3 paws>

And lest you think that Ziggy is disabled or ailing, let me assure you that within minutes she was sprinting at top speed across the yard and doing doggy acrobatics trying to destroy those evil yard invaders known as S.Q.U.I.R.R.E.L.S!   ;)

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