Wednesday, June 5, 2013

~Sticky Conversations~

After an impromptu visit to the pediatric dentist for some X-rays after a ridiculous playground injury...

Me:  "You put on all three of the stickers they gave you!?  Wha...?  You don't even like stickers!"

Eamon:  <inaudible whispering>

Me:  "What?!"

Eamon:  "It's to cover my bloodiness!"

Me:  <noticing that the 3 large stickers are strategically placed over most of the bloody spots on his navy blue shirt>  "Oh.  Well, that does make sense.  Good job."

PS -  When the pediatrician (note that I did not say 'pediatric dentist' because, yes, we had to go to the pediatrician before the pediatric dentist would even see us) says, "Hey, is all that on your shirt part of your teeth?  Is the dentist going to scrape that off your shirt and put that back in your mouth?" you know that you're just done for the day; nothing productive will happen from then on!! ;) 

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