Tuesday, June 11, 2013

~Conversations ABOUT Eamon~

After receiving some cryptic standardized test results from Eamon's school, I decided to take them to work with me to see if my coworker could decipher them...

Me:  "Hey, Eamon got some standardized test scores back but I can't make heads or tails of them.  Will you take a look?"

Kathy:  "I'm really only familiar with the high school tests, not the elementary ones."

Me:  "I know but you've been in the district longer than me so I just thought it might make more sense to you."

Kathy:  "Well, I'll look but I doubt that I... <unfolding the paper> OH. MY. GOD!!"

Me:  "What?  WHAT?!  Is that bad or good!?"

Kathy:  "Um, yeah, see the black bars on the bar graph?"

Me:  "The tall ones?"

Kathy:  "Yeah, the tall bars that are AT LEAST TEN POINTS HIGHER than all the other bars?  Yeah, that's your child. The other bars are the norms for kids his age."

Me:  "Oh.  Really? Well, I thought he'd done well but I didn't just want to assum..."

Kathy:  <laughing> "Yeah, right!  As if you didn't know!  You brought this in so you could brag about how smart your child is!  Speaking of which, is that him over the in the corner of the library!?  I didn't even know he was here!  I can't believe he's just quietly sitting over there reading!"

Me:  "Yeah, well, you know how he loves our Pokemon graphic novels."

Kathy:  "Ok, it's official:  you have the perfect child."

Me:  "Well, I wouldn't go that far!  He has his moments.  I mean, just this morning he was..."  

Kathy:  <laughing>  "No, no!  I don't care what you tell me.  He's the perfect child and if you tell me anything different, I'll just say that he's expressing his creativity or that he was experimenting or that his genius just couldn't be contained..."  

Fast forward several hours as Eamon and I were heading out of the library and instead of just walking toward the door, Eamon had to belly crawl under one of the display tables...

Me:  <looking at Kathy and then pointing at Eamon>  "See?  This is what I'm talking about!  He couldn't just walk to the door like a normal person.  No, my child has to crawl like an animal..."

Kathy:  "No, that boy is not crawling, he's preparing to be a Navy SEAL or... or a J.A.G.*!  Mmhmm, that's what he's doing.  He's going to be a lawyer in the military."  

Me:  <laughing>  "Ok, that must be it."

*J.A.G. refers to a legal representative in the military

Poor Kathy has dealt with so many bad kids in her 20 years of teaching that she doesn't know what to do with a normal one! ;) But as a mother, I do appreciate her confidence in my son's ability! :) 


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